Notice that God commanded the Israelites to hold this annual, one-day harvest festival fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath (v. 16; see also Exod 34:22; Lev 23:1521; Deut 16:910; 2 Chr 8:13), or on day 50. Holy Spirit in The Old Testament Vs New Testament. What Does The Bible Say About God's Love? Fairchild, Mary. Understanding this feast and Gods initiation of it in the Old Testament helps us to comprehend the magnitude of what happened that day when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciplesthe day Gods church began. More simply, smoke and fire point to Gods presence. The books include the Codex Vaticanus, Codex . 100+ Inspirational Bible Verses About Love 1517 creates and distributes theological and apologetic resources anchored in the central message of the Bible: that Christ died for sinners and rose for their justification. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. In the New Testament, one of the most important works of the Holy Spirit is the w It signaled the end of the spring harvest and thus . Together these two testaments are a literary unity, progressively revealed. We have already seen two Mysteries of the Rosary which bring to fulfillment the other two pilgrimage feasts. But, the day of Pentecost was not something new. . Another Unconditional Covenant is the Palestinian Covenant. In the book of Revelation, John tells us smoke indicates the glory (or greatness) of God (15:8), while fire is a conventional literary feature of a theophanya visible manifestation of God12(e.g., Gen 15:17; Exod 3:2; 2 Thess 1:78; Zech 2:5; Isa 4:5; Heb 12:18).13. In Genesis, Numbers, Isaiah, and 2 Samuel, we learn that the Messiah would be from the line of Abraham, and a descendant of Isaac and Jacob, from the Tribe of Judah, and an heir to King Davids throne. 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, What Does The Bible Say About Fear? This part is also used by the Jewish faith in the Tanakh. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit in John 14:26, who would be the Helper for his people. For the sake of this article, let's closely examine the account of the Canaanites and hopefully dispel the criticism. Learn Religions, Feb. 8, 2021, The smoke of it went up like the smoke of a kiln, and the whole mountain trembled greatly. What Does The Bible Say About Fake Christians? Markus Barth, Justification (Grand Rapids: Win. The Tower of Babel Story: What Really Happened. The Lord came down on Mount Sinai, to the top of the mountain. 15 Scriptures To Help With Hopelessness What is predicted in the Old is now fulfilled in the New. This new covenant was prophesied by Jeremiah (31:31-34); established by Jesus at the Last Supper (Luke 22:20); and preached by the apostles at the pouring out of the Spirit (Acts 2). The crowds observed this event and heard them speaking in different languages. The Coming of the Spirit on Pentecost is the Visible Sign that the Last Days Have Come. 50 Good Bible Verses For Birthdays First, He was at work in the creation and sustaining of the universe. You may know characters from the Bible, stories from the Bible and verses from the Bible. The second time that the holy spirit was given was at Pentecost when Jesus was baptized by John. Worship could be done at any time by anyone, but there were special forms of worship at specific times during religious ceremonies. Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law? And he said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. What Does The Bible Say About Mental Health? He told them to wait in Jerusalem until they received the gift of the Holy Spirit, which would empower them to go out into the world and be his witnesses. By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Is Smoking Marijuana Sinful? Most Catholics dont realize that Pentecost actually has deeply Jewish roots, which are fulfilled through St. Peter and the other Apostles. This could be the greatest difference between the. These are found in the books of Leviticus 23:15-22, Deuteronomy 16:16, Exodus 34:22, and 2 Chronicles 8:13. It is a mystery, or sacred secret, that was not made known until the ministry of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament includes thirty-nine of the Bible's sixty-six books and makes up about three-fourths of the entire Bible. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children and grandchildren; the entire family is affectedeven children in the third and fourth generations. Exodus 34:6-7, You are a God ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and did not forsake them. Nehemiah 9:17, The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in Him Nahum 1:7, Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8, But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:8, But Ill tell you whom to fear. When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. But God raised him up, having loosed the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it, Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.. These two sets of chapters each follow the same pattern: the Old Testament evidence is examined first (chaps. Judgment has come. 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, What Does The Bible Say About Fake Christians? The change in prepositions ("with" and "in") and tense (present versus future) suggests a difference in the ministry of the Spirit in Old Testament times (Pentecost had not yet occurred and the church had not yet begun when the Lord spoke these words) and New Testament times when the Spirit came to indwell all believers permanently. What Does The Bible Say About Fake Christians? They received the Holy Spirit. Why Is Pentecost Significant to the Church Today? Only they didn't call it Pentecost. God initiated these feasts in Leviticus 23: Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, these are the appointed feasts of the Lord that you shall proclaim as holy convocations; they are my appointed feasts. It serves as a guide for faith, morals, and rituals. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Fairchild, Mary. The Old and New Testaments are what make up the Christian Bible. 100+ Inspirational Bible Verses About Love (31:33). You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Not if you understand what the Feast of Weeks was all about. The language used in the New Testament is the Greek language, whereas Old Testament is in Hebrew and Aramaic languages. 50 Good Bible Verses For Birthdays 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, Is Smoking Marijuana Sinful? The New Testament, particularly the Book of Hebrews, stresses the superiority of the death of Christ, in contrast . A good deal of the narrative material in both Testaments is set in the land of Israel, but some parts of the Old Testament take place in other lands, such as Egypt, Babylonia, and Persia. The Feast of Pentecost or Shavuot has many names in the Bible: The Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Harvest, and the Latter Firstfruits. . Why Don't Christians Expose Evil Anymore? Therefore, because of the Jubilee Year, the number fifty is closely associated with the remission of debts, emancipation of slaves, and rest within Gods protective care. On June 6th (the 6th of Sivan on the Hebrew calendar) the Jews will celebrate Hag HaShavuot, the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost. The Old Testament was repeatedly pointing towards the New Testament. What Does The Bible Say About Trusting God? The Old Testament predicts an era of restoration. 1:3, 23), being made alive (Eph. The name "Feast of Weeks" was given because God commanded the Jews in Leviticus 23:15-16, to count seven full weeks (or 49 days) beginning on the second day of Passover, and then present offerings of new grain to the Lord as a lasting ordinance. It was, indeed, already a holy day, the OT Feast of Shavuot or Weeks. Excerpted from "The P.U.I.H." In the New Testament, God proves his continued love for his people by sending his only son to die for these sins. Reach out to the author: contact and available social following information is listed in the top-right of all news releases. Because it fell on the fiftieth day after Passover, Weeks was also called Pentecost, that is, fiftieth (e.g., Acts 2:1; 20:16; 1 Cor 16:8). Therefore, they either called it the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of Weeks. That's the Greek name. In Micah we see that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, this prophesy was fulfilled in Matthew. Of the seven feasts, the Feast of Weeks is one of three that God commanded Israel to celebrate at the temple after it was established in Jerusalem (Deut 16:1617) and so was a pilgrimage feast.5, In Jesus day, Jews who didnt live in or near Jerusalem often had to travel long distances to keep the festival according to Gods instruction.6, The details about the Feast of Weeks are found in Leviticus 23:1521:7. Is Smoking Marijuana Sinful? Pentecost was a Jewish festival that happened during the Feast of First Fruits. The wheat bread was made from the newly harvested wheat. For so many skeptics, the Canaanite story is a focal point in comparing what they would deem an "immoral" Old Testament God vs New Testament God that is touted as loving by Christianity. Christ laid upon the listeners not the ten words for them to fulfill; rather, he proclaimed the fulfillment of the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms in himself (cf. Pentecost was the celebration of the beginning of the early wheat harvest, which meant that Pentecost always fell sometime during the middle of the month of May or sometimes in early June. In addition to the grain offering, they offered one bull, two rams, seven lambs, along with a sin offering of a male goat, and two male lambs for a peace offering (Lev 23:15-19; Num 28:26-31). By the end of the day that the Holy Spirit came, the Church grew by 3,000 people (Acts 2:41). 15 Scriptures To Help With Hopelessness He is gracious to those who He choses to love. We hope youve enjoyed this excerpt of Full of Grace. Traditional Jews still light candles and recite blessings, adorn their homes and synagogues with greenery, eat dairy foods, study the Torah, read the book of Ruth and attend Shavuot services. . He will continue to care for that person in whom the first-fruits of the Spirit are present until the full harvest, as it were, of the resurrection of the flesh. In the Old Testament God demanded purity. God spoke to Moses from the cloud of fire, and gave him the Law. BOTH COVENANTS AT BOTH PENTECOSTS WERE ACCOMPANIED BY FIRE AND SOUND But, kids, how well do you know the Bible?Watch to learn more about. Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies, and the Old Testament sacrifices. Pentecost was a holiday. He is mentioned in Genesis 16:7 as the Angel of the Lord. Saturday, August 20, 2022 Old Pentecost vs. New Pentecost: Patricia Holland's "Pentecost Lost" Helps Believers Discover the Benefits of Spirit Empowered Living. This was fulfilled in Matthew chapter 2. 15 Scriptures To Help With Hopelessness adroll_adv_id = "BDYMJMJ7QVFA3ECLGO52WY"; 22 Encouraging Verses For A Bad Day Opt-out preferences. Table of Contents. In the Annunciation we pass from the holiness of the Old Testament to the holiness of Christ. THE NEW TESTAMENT. I forgive iniquity, rebellion, and sin. It was herald by the sound of wind and tongues of fire; but more than observing the event, the believers spoke as the Spirit gave the Words. THE OLD COVENANT: THE NEW COVENANT: LAW: GRACE: WORKS: FAITH: WORK: REST: FOCUS IS ON EXTERNALS: . meeting in Baltimore, the General Convention approved a new calendar for the church, Lesser Feasts and Fasts, 2022. On several occasions, Christ claimed that He is the theme of all of Scripture: 1. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Is Smoking Marijuana Sinful? "A Christian Perspective on the Feast of Pentecost." The Old Testament is foundational; the New Testament builds on that foundation with further revelation from God. The Holy Spirit was prophesied in the Old Testament and promised by Jesus. Some think they were marking where Jesus' blood would be from the nails in his hands and feet, and from the . The contents and order of books of the Old Testament varies in different churches. Pentecost is also mentioned in Acts 20:16, 1 Corinthians 16:8 and James 1:18. Maybe youve experienced this yourself: You are talking with someone, and the conversation gets a little tensethe topic, a little bit touchy. Pope Benedict writes that by doing this, Israel remains, as it were, Gods pilgrim people, always journeying toward its God and receiving its identity from Him. The tree itself is real. We know that the Bible is divided into two parts, the Old and New Testaments. In both cases, there was divine speech connected with divine fire, but the message could not have been more different. In Hebrew, the word for feast is moed, which means appointed time, place, or meeting. (Some translations use the word festival.) These were seven set times throughout the year God commanded the nation of Israel to meet with him2four in the spring and the remaining three in the fall: Sabbath, Passover, the Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Weeks, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Booths (or Tabernacles).3Pentecost was the last spring feast on the Hebrew calendar. On Pentecost Sunday, the Holy Spirit filled the Church with power and added 3,000 new believers. What are the Old Testament and New Testament? In Jeremiah, we see that there would be a massacre of children at the Messiahs birthplace. What Does The Bible Say About Forgiveness? The Old Testament covers the history of the world with a focus on the Hebrew people. Isiah 25:9 And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is Yahweh we have waited for him. They are as follows. Describing Diatheke: Covenant Centrality in the Bible, Pets in the Bible and Their Exegetical Significance. Generations later, on the day of this Old Testament festival, Christ poured out his Spirit in Jerusalem. In Psalms and Isaiah the Old Testament says that the Messiah would be rejected by His own people and in John we see that came true. And here Peter stands up and says, "And let me tell you about the Messiah, who is the eternal protection for all of humanity. In light of this evidence, I contend that old and new covenant believers experienced the awakening renewal that the Old Testament calls circumcision of the heart or ears and that the New Testament calls being born again (John 3:3-8; 1 Pet. 25 Verses To Help Identify Fake Friends Also, in 2 Chr 15:10-15, the Chronicler describes a gathering in Jerusalem, during the third month, where the covenant was celebrated and renewed. The parallels between Jesus' blood protecting us from judgment are obvious. Christ is seen in the Old Testament in glimpses, called Theophany. Since they left on the day after Passover, in the middle of the first month (Exod 12:2, 6), the fiftieth day after Passover would have fallen within this third month. pen'-te-kost: 1. The word Pentecost (from the Greek word pentkost, meaning fiftieth)4comes from the Greek name for a harvest festival that is also known as the Feast of Weeks.. Most people associate it with the day God poured out his Holy Spirit on the Jerusalem church in the Upper Room, enabling his disciples to perform incredible actslike healings, speaking in tongues, prophesying, and inspired preaching1as told in Acts 2:14: When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. They shall be of fine flour, and they shall be baked with leaven, as firstfruits to the Lord. 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, 100+ Inspirational Bible Verses About Love . And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Follow Patricia Holland on Twitter at @RevPatHolland. Both Jews and Christians view the Old Testament as the inspired, inerrant Word of God. The book of Ruth was traditionally read during Shavuot. This unique feast occurred 7 weeks after Passover (49 days), culminating with the actual feast on day 50 (hence, the New Testament term Pentecost). 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, 25 Verses To Help Identify Fake Friends According to Paul, these feasts are not the reality but the shadow that points to and finds its fulfillment in Christ. Then Moses went up on the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain. There are three things you need to know about Pentecost that will help you understand Acts 2. 1. The answer given was: "In the beginning (big inning) God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1:1) and in Acts 2:14 Peter stood up with the 11 and was bold (bowled).". All seven feasts are like the trees shadow. Again, God is NOT a covenant breaker. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. When the disciples received the gift, they became witnesses for Christ. 100 Inspirational Bible Verses About Thankfulness To God, 22 Encouraging Verses For A Bad Day The celebration is also tied to the giving of the Ten Commandments and thus bears the name Matin Torah or "giving of the Law." 20. The major festivals thus required pilgrimage (see. The Blessed Mother knew the Spirit already, for it was the Holy Spirit that overshadowed her at the Annunciation. The New Testament introduces the Gospels for us, whereas the Old Testament does not speak about the Gospels but, on the other hand, it tells us why the Jews were in search of a Messiah. Is Smoking Marijuana Sinful? What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? You shall bring from your dwelling places two loaves of bread to be waved, made of two tenths of an ephah. You shall count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering. Therefore, the New Testament in our Bibles represents the New Covenant - or the Law of Christ. Then the Lord spoke . 2) When it comes to being on the road, Continue reading . In fact, that first Pentecost occurred on the ancient Jewish holiday known as the Feast of Weeks. There were, towards Christ who could once and for all remove the taint of sin, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation, And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself, 20 Reasons Why God Is Allowing Trials In Your Life. And its just one part of the beautiful tapestry God has been weaving together since the beginning of time. The New Testament explains the person and work of Christ by showing how he fulfills the Old Testament. Follow us for more great content, announcements, & promotions. What Does The Bible Say About Forgiveness? Modern Christians observe Pentecost as a holiday, not to celebrate a wheat harvest, but to remember when the Holy Spirit invaded the Church in Acts 2. 50 Good Bible Verses For Birthdays THE OLD COVENANT vs THE NEW COVENANT. This one is mentioned in Jeremiah and extended to all believers in Matthew and Hebrews. 100+ Inspirational Bible Verses About Love Contains spam, fake content or potential malware. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples began speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:4), attracting the attention of curious onlookers who wondered what was happening. What Does The Bible Say About Haters? (accessed March 4, 2023). This action will also remove this member from your connections and send a report to the site admin. This is the meaning of Pentecost in the Bible, the only feast both Jews and Christians both celebrate. She is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. John 19:28-30. Many people claim that the God of the Old Testament is not the God of the New Testament. Why Don't Christians Expose Evil Anymore? There were several festivals, celebrations, or observances that took place before Pentecost. General Biblical Studies, Interdenominational Christian Training Center. Jesus came to save us from sin, to save us from God's wrath. And the same day Christians celebrate the birth of the church and the writing of Gods law on believers hearts, as prophesied by Jeremiah: For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. What Does The Bible Say About Mental Health? These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. Like the festival held every fifty years, so the festival held every year on the fiftieth day proclaimed the following: (1) God had freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt; (2) he had fulfilled his promise to give them the Holy Land; (3) he provided rest for them from their labors. It occurs exactly seven weeks after the Feast of First Fruits, so it's also called Pentecost which means "50 days." Traditionally, people were expected to bring the first harvest of grain to the Lord including two leavened loaves of bread. Let me tell you who he is." And he had promised during the gospel narratives, during his earthly ministry, that he would leave, but that he would send the comforter, he would send the holy spirit. 50 Good Bible Verses For Birthdays (the Greek translation of the Old Testament) uses the term. When doubters said they were drunk with wine (Acts 2:12), Peter responded by saying, This is what was spoken of by the prophet Joeland proceeded to give the gospel message with a call to repentance for all who had ears to hear. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13, Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law? And he said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? Pentecost is the Greek name for the festival referred to by several names in the Old Testament, such as "the Feast of Harvest, the firstfruits of your labors" (Exodus 23:16) and "the day of the firstfruits, when you bring a new grain offering to the Lord at your Feast of Weeks" (Numbers 28:26). He is the one who constantly puts his foot in his mouth, constantly is having to be corrected by Jesus, but is in the inner circle. Similarly, after Jesus went up to heaven, the Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost. What Does The Bible Say About Fake Christians? And, in fact, the depiction of Old Testament saints is a depiction of men who do enjoy the blessings of the new covenant. Also, any Israelite who, induced by poverty, had sold himself (or been sold) into slavery to a fellow Israelite regained his liberty. From the book of Genesis on, the Old Testament pointed forward to a Messiah or Savior. But I do not excuse the guilty. Now the appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire on the top of the mountain in the sight of the sons of Israel. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. The Gospel According to Luke concludes where Acts begins, namely, with Christ's Ascension into heaven. The Adamic Covenant is a General Covenant. 2:5; Col 2:13), and regeneration (Tit. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. So Firstfruits is the beginning of the barley harvest and Pentecost is the celebration of the beginning of the wheat harvest. 100+ Inspirational Bible Verses About Love So the priest shall make atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them. Leviticus 4:20, For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sin. Hebrews 10:4, By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. From the perspective of the New Testament the end-time events unfold in three dimensionsthe cross, Pentecost and the Parousia. They would need new power and an indwelling presence of God to accomplish their mission. The other kitten was a mostly gray Continue reading , Now that we are more than a decade into the 21st Century, its pretty amazing when you stop and think about all the technological advances that have come our way: There are cars that can parallel park for themselves. The New Testament explains how the Good News of Jesus will go to the ends of the earth. Please enable for the best viewing experience. In Acts 1, just before the resurrected Jesus was taken up into heaven, he told the disciples about the Father's promised gift of the Holy Spirit, which would soon be given to them in the form of a powerful baptism. Get FREE content that draws you closer to God & puts your faith into action. There was Passover, there was Unleavened Bread, and there was the Feast of Firstfruits. Questions about a news article you've read? 15 Scriptures To Help With Hopelessness The Bible may be divided into eight basic sections: four for the Old Testament and four for the New, but it should be noted that in each of these, Christ is the hope and underlying theme of all the books of the Bible. What Is the Day of Atonement in the Bible? Jesus bestowed all three of these gifts in greater measure during his ministry (Luke 4:18-19). The Abrahamic Covenant was an Unconditional Covenant given to Abraham by God whereas God would make Abrahams descendants a great nation and bless the whole world. Key Verses "Celebrate the Festival of Weeks with the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, and the Festival of Ingathering at the turn of the year." The feast of Weeks is more exactly the feast of seven weeks, for beginning on the day after Passover (the 16th of Nisan), the Israelites counted forty-nine days, then commenced the celebration of the feast of Weeks on the following day (Lev 23:15-16; Deut 16:9-10). What Does The Bible Say About Fear? Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit. Here's where it gets so incredible -- look at the similarities and the significance of the two events, from the Old Testament and the New Testament: 1) In the Old Testament, the Passover celebrated when the Jews were freed from enslavement and Pentecost celebrated when they became a nation committed to God. This is the great and first commandment. Both are extremely important for us to study. The New Testament includes twenty-seven books, including four Gospels, one book of history (Acts), twenty-one letters, and one book of prophecy (Revelation). Traditionally, 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament were attributed to Paul the Apostle, who famously converted to Christianity after meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus and wrote a series of . But why choose this feast day? In a video for, Phillip Nation explains why Pentecost is significant for Christians today, read the transcript of that interview below: The significance of Pentecost to the church is something that we need to walk through carefully, and we shouldn't ignore, because Pentecost was a Jewish celebration. What Does The Bible Say About Mental Health? What makes Shavuot so fitting a time for Jesus to give His Holy Spirit to the church? In time, led by the Holy Spirit, they will bring us Gods new law. Are these two persepctives in conflict? adroll_pix_id = "NJ2SQBEDHRAFBDWOKXWZ54"; The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network. What Does The Bible Say About Homosexuality? Hence in Adam the souls of all men are fallen and defiled. For instance, there have been lawsuits by prisoners against the state because of things like their mashed potatoes Continue reading , Here in our area of the Pacific Northwest, its pretty unusual to see the sunshine without it being obscured by a layer of clouds at least at this time of year. Read Patricia Hollands blog at If you enjoyed this excerpt, you might also be interested in The Life of Christ, where we move through the Gospels, placing the events of Jesus life in their historical and Biblical contexts, and illuminate them through the eyes of faith. The Old Testament prophecies speak of Christ's first coming (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 53, Isaiah 9). The Old Testament is written with a vocabulary of 5,800 words whereas the New Testament is written with a vocabulary of 4,800 words. To create curiosity about the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, because of the fall of man which Satan so carefully arranged man was shifted from dealing with the world around him spiritually. Modern readers must pay attention to the textual, covenantal, and canonical horizons to make sense of this one book. The New Testament is the second half of the Christian Bible. This Old Testament feast revealed "a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ" (Colossians 2:17). Christ laid upon the listeners not the "ten words" for them to fulfill; rather, he proclaimed the fulfillment of the law of Moses, the prophets, and the . Psalm 102:25-27 notes that in contrast to this world, which will pass away, "you are the same, and your years have no end.". The Old Testament is the first half of the Christian Bible.

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