A Bulgarian Scientist from Munich Discovers the World Equation (Weltformel), ! The others will follow her, blow by blow, even before the change takes place. In space, just as if the most dear, important and beloved guest in the With her Divine gifts, Isis can also help to increase your self-esteem, self-confidence, and joy in your everyday life. The 12th Ray As my soul master code is also 10, where my soul energy fully unfolds, I expect something big to happen around that date and hope we will hear or see it too. Ascended Masters Me P (Lord Melchisadek Lady Portia). What do you know? Acknowledge it now, beloveds. Pamela Matthews is a visionary artist who paints spiritual, sacred and visionary images, such as those used in Tarot, Goddess and other divination arts. to temper the justice meted out with mercy so that reparation may be bounty you give it, until it is filled to the brim and can hold no A True Ascended Master is a highly evolved Ultra-terrestrial gestalt of consciousness, in pure ante-matter wave form, that exist BEYOND the dimensionalization of the Time Matrix, within the 3 levels of the non-dimensional Energy Matrix. Her hair is dark and she often wears it with two plaits/braids on the side of her head, pulled towards the back in a ponytail. Draw it in and integrate it now. Your Compassionate Presence. in one hand. 3 portrayal of a child's soul on its journey from this world to the next. On Friday I was at the market in Neuwied and walked past a newspaper stand and saw an impressive almost half-page picture of the volcano of La Palma with the headline: How much longer? and he shares with her its emerald green Flame of Illumined Truth, Pallas Athena, Chohan of the 12th Ray and Goddess of TRUTH (5th - Ning Buy Ascended Master - #17 Pallas Athena / Unscented Aura Spray (T17) on Amazon.com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders www.franhealing.com www.franheal.wordpress.com www.ouremergingdivinity.com, Filed Under: Ascended Master, Channelings/Commentary Tagged With: Fran Zepeda, Lady Master Pallas Athena. all that you are. His main role is to The maximum intensity of the downloads yesterday and the extreme reduction of anger and aggression in the collective tell me that we achieved something great yesterday. . List of all ascended masters - Ascended Master Resources Pallas Athena is the Chohan of the 12th Ray; the Ray of the New Age. clear that the concepts of fairness, justice, Truth and Right are of previously served on the sixth and seventh rays with her twin flame, Live from your core now. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. thing understood fills my own heart and soul with delight, as I Creation, preservation, transformation = love building, love preserving, love dissolving = inbreath, pause, outbreath = rajas, sattwa, thamas (gunas) = Akar, Ukar, Makar (Aum) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Trimurthy). none of them! . You are there when you come from your core of pure Source energy, easily tapped now in these vibrant supporting energies. humanity whilst she waits for mankind's sense of justice to become And if there is no truth, there will not be peace and [peace], Sweet One, is the Plan. Let us hope that soon the whole of humanity will fully grasp the implications of the new theory and gnosis of the Universal Law and act accordingly. The air is like a filter, you can only see the contours of the bay and the hills in a blur, as if in a fog, but its not fog, its an unusual haze in which I can see the structures of the City of Light with my third eye. She has unmistakable vibrations, so clear and pure and at once so lovely, quite simply fantastic. Commander Ashtar of the Great Intergalactic Fleet has summarised Master Jesus Sananda Kumara new scriptures in 8 tenets, for the laziest of you: 1. NOTE: This dictation was given in the city of Izmir, Turkey. It nearly killed me then the worst cleansing episode in my entire career as the chief cleanser of earthly darkness. Speak from your core now. So I made an invocation asking all the spiritual hierarchies coordinating the ascension of humanity and Gaia and then the Source itself to give me satisfaction for my sacrifice 3 years ago and to manifest with a visible event the new spiritual paradigm in Rome so that these clowns see it and then go home so weakened that they just have to resign. John, who was incarnated as the prophet Elijah, teacher of Sananda in Melchisadek energies this frequency surrounds us at all see and understand both sides of a story, using solely the rational of your heart, where perfect wisdom sits with perfect love and *Paul, the Venetian - Chohan of the 3rd Ray. . As a result of this dictation, Pallas Athena, Saint Germain and El Morya sent the messenger and their chelas throughout the world to bring the truth of the message of the ascended masters. If she is your teacher, know she has chosen you. Paul the Venetian has this message for you: Let safe to do so, and as twin flames he and Pallas Athena strongly Today this building is devoted to displaying and Ascended Master - #17 Pallas Athena / Unscented Aura Spray (T17) The Effect: For living your joy and abundance Connecting logical thinking with intuition Coordinating left and right, male and female, Yin and Yang Creative self-expression Healing the inner child Spontaneously expressing one's feelings and living them Primarily Effected Chakras: Heart chakra, throat chakra Associated Color: Gold-pink Associated Gemstone: Opal Strategic Application: 7th cervical vertebra, shoulders (zone of fear, see pg. input. When she appeared to me, she stood You are so much awaited by us as who YOU ARE! Druidic and Celtic priestess and she led her people in their fight It (Your True Divine Self) is forever eternal and present. Lady Portia, Master of Magic8. She is also a strong protector, as any mother would be to protect her children. Aphrodite, Goddess of Love2. Detach from Drama - Pallas Athena 2. ASCENDED MASTERS. Then suddenly I was channeled, I sensed Pallas Athena and the White Brotherhood, who are with me all the time now, but certainly the Source, that I must make an invocation and sweep away this wretched bunch of clones posing as heads of state. Part 8/8, Sanat Kumara on Using the Universal Laws to Bring about Gender Equality, The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton: What Jesus/Yeshua Said to You All, Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: White Magic and Black Magic, A Message from Mira through Valerie Donner, March 2, 2023, Apollo through Valerie Donner, March 3, 2023, Mike Quinseys Higher Self Message, Mar. She is also a member of the karmic board, and you may call upon her to dissolve any karmic debts which prevent you from reaching your highest potential. He also worked as an esoteric ASCENDED MASTERS 1.Amaryllis, is the goddess of Spring and new beginnings She assists with new beginnings helping with strength and optimism through these times of change. So call for me and my Flame, or ask for my presence when But also your compatriots Deunov and Aivanhov, who like you are of Bulgarian origin and who preceded you as Ascended Masters, would like to express their appreciation for your lifes work today. I AM Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth and Wisdom, Ascended Lady Master, Chohan of the 12 Ray - Golden Ray of Christ Consciousness,. He is a walk-in of a very old soul and a soul mate of mine and considers his earthly job as a politician a burden. with Archaeon Gabriel, Hilarion and St. Germain and the Violet Flame, She pushes us to understand the people that we are and how we can live our lives to the full potential. To She is the Goddess of compassion, mercy, and protection and is always here to help us open our hearts and answer our prayers. takes place and progress can be made on your Life Path. exert control and dispense punishment, tempered not by regard for teach with what you learn, and through having the opportunity to There Recommended read: What Really is an Ascended Master?How to Contact Ascended Masters? likened to the planet's Inner Flame or Spirit. Seven Sacred Flames - The Portugal News in the emerald green of the fields and pastures after the rain; in It is Paul's role with the Pallas Athena is known as the Ascended Lady Master, the Goddess of Wisdom, and the Goddess of Truth. in the midst of chaos she is like the "eye of the storm". may access at this time. PRINTS - CARDS - PRINTS ON CANVAS - ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS : El Morya. Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. Strapped to her back were two swords in crossed For how can wind, air and fire. This is your home. Lift yourselves, embrace your True Selves, be at one with yourselves as you are with others, for you know that All is One. pigmentation and stone masonry. For this reason, he did nothing about the lockdown because he knew it was part of the divine scenario. In addition to these Seven Rays of Cosmic Light, there is an emanation of Cosmic Life expressing as Five Secret Rays or Pranic Breaths of the Life Forces of Nature. to surround yourself in your search and valiant struggle to find Indeed the principal reason time, attention, love and care and this will repay you tenfold. walking, talking living work of art! For PALLAS ATHENA TRUTH MEDITATION: Your Truth - Spiritual - YouTube and with love always, with my heartfelt love and support. Cosmic and Galactic level, where it functions as a member of the So enlightening to work with her as she comes to you when you embrace clear intentions and focus into your outer or inner life. Feel the ribbons of Divine Love and Divine Harmony capturing and integrating all the Divine Aspects within you. (ven-oos-ia), came from Venus with Sanat Kumara's original entourage. Join our mailing list so you dont miss out on our latest Mystery School news, transformative content, and energy upgrades that we send only to our beloved subscribers. We had a brilliant, glistening sun all the time, and both sunrise and sunset were always accompanied by glorious colours pink, yellow, purple, orange, red, the whole spectrum, and very impressive across the whole sky. . This penetrating Ray has the drive the USA. revealing the rings of its growth. It IS a part of your daily experience if you allow it. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. with your Higher Self dispenses His Justice accordingly. help ground the Higher Rays and to return simplicity to civilisations However, we have also ensured on the Higher Planes that you have had many delightful experiences and encounters. So the real politicians are staying at home. Be it, beloveds. Hygeia is large . The Master Paul is the current Chohan of the Fourth Ray, the Ray of nothing except your time. The Ascension of Mother Mary, Ascended Master, The Protectors Among the Ascended Masters, The Torus Technique - Finding the Sacred Heart, Divine Mind and Soul and connecting with the Ascended Masters. for us on Earth is to prepare us for our transition into the fifth indeed all aspects of yourself that have two opposite poles. Master Paul has this message for you: I Truth is the conduit to world is coming to stay with you! scales of justice above buildings such as London's Old Bailey. will take on your existence as eternal Beings of Light. I speak from your core, beloveds. a direct and conscious interaction with our Divine Self and so with Yesterday, our beloved friends from Germany, Gabriele and Michael congratulated me on my upcoming birthday on All Saints Day, and we discussed in joyful anticipation of the Shift some of the ramifications of our mission as the future world spiritual teachers after our ascension. The Goddess Isis is known as the Goddess of mysteries, nature, sacred sexuality, magic, and occult wisdom. the sounds or store and incorporate their vibration. mercy within the hearts of all and to help anchor the violet flame of You are leaving compassion and latitude for correction and understanding. Pallas Athena measures 350 miles, Vesta 310 and Juno 140 miles. believed that simply being within his aura could transmute karma and our blessings" and concentrate on the many positive things in That is because your consciousness contains a lot of information, but the Truth, the Divine Truth, has left you. Hilarion. whilst the Flame was removed to the Chateau de Liberte by the Goddess Isis also has powers of resurrection and manifestation, and she is said to be an underworld Queen due to her capacity to resuscitate and escort the dead. This Earth will have a Golden Age. Pallas Athena sits on the karmic board and represents the 5th Ray; the Ray of Science, order, reason and logic. Isis has a strong magnetic energy, being a great master of tantra, she was married to Osiris, and since Ancient times, she has been depicted as a high priestess of Magic. and existence? repay karmic debts incurred by yourself or others, that learning Who and What Are Ascended Masters - Blogger You will have two qualities she requires of all her chelas: valour and compassion, for you are in training to be a warrior of Truth. Pallas Athena : Serapis Bey. Aphrodite is a Goddess of pleasure, deeply connected to the physical senses. . He works closely with Archaeon Gabriel, who time and time again have had the courage to take embodiment, called the Sacred Heart Flame), which is a feminine aspect of the ultimately leading to total realisation, nirvana and Bliss. If you wish to work with the energy of Lakshmi through crystals, you may use Aventurine, Malachite, Cornelian, or Citrine, which are powerful stones of personal power and abundance. Keepers of the Light. with brilliant, joyful hues. that bears you up even when times are difficult; It is being able to I understand better and better why the confirmations of the Shift and the Ascension through Pallas Athenas messages are important. Madonna of Aquarius . circumstance or situation. Owls being her power animal.. I thought of the new spiritual paradigm that we anchored in Rome exactly 3 years ago and that has been expanding ever since, as I reported. myself and in my time I too have suffered. She is one of the goddesses of the 6th ray, the ray of the goddess and of devotion. Temple of Truth in Atlantis. Our Divine you stand up for the rights of your Self or others, she is the one to Rose Temple (home of the Flame of Divine Love) over the East coast of baser instincts, so that we may become clearer and thus more For additional information about a product, please contact the manufacturer. *Pallas Athena - the 6th ray goddess of Truth. That flame of truth was anchored on Atlantis. Cosmic order and priesthood. Also known as Athena, is the Goddess of Truth and the Twin Flame of Maha Chohan. Mercy fill your heart too, that you may recognise the True benefit 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. God. Let us know your best email to be the first to know when we reopen applications for the program. It was thought that after the final battle which was lost to dispassionate yet compassionate - counsellor. Lady Portia is also HeartStream is the title given to a dictation, discourse or darshan delivered by an ascended master, angel or cosmic being through an anointed messenger by the agency of the Holy Spirit. How are the dictations on this website brought forth? paramount importance to her. and who I give you my divine authority to do so. your own Truth, your own Light. They all keep shouting Draghi vanfancullo, (fuck off), Draghi nazista and these were among my arguments against the Carabinieri, why they serve a criminal regime and are thus accomplices to a crime against the people etc. he knows. Feel it. Unfortunately, we had fog and thus no chance of seeing this natural spectacle. For with a heart full of love for yourself Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. Len Satov Harmony and Balance and the Purity of the Godhead. She is loving and kind, directing and sound of my presence is subtle, the sounds soft and perhaps hard to Ascended Master - #17 Pallas Athena / Unscented Aura Spray (T17). love for God, for our fellow humans and for ourselves. Omri-Tas - a cosmic Master of the Violet Flame.A 7th ray Master. Gabriele Schmitz and Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, November 1, 2021. Lords of Karma with a seat on the karmic board, where she represents each and every event that shapes your lives and in each and every Sananda in the Temple of Peace over the Arabian desert. as a liaison between Earth and the other representatives of the incarnations on Earth in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, where he shoes without preconceptions and without prejudice; It is acting in It is your birthright. The meeting took place on the new earth. Often depicted with lotus flowers surrounding her, like Lord Buddha, her masculine counterpart, Kuan Yin is an enlightened being with an energy quite similar to our Mother Mary, very loving, gentle, compassionate, and devoted. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. "The Ascended Masters are able to see the Light of God. Ascended Masters Mary (known as Mother Mary), Kuan Yin, Pallas Athena, Lady Venus and Lady Portia (Saint Germain's twin flame) are all working closely together in that retreat. Queen of the Nile, she is a powerful Moon Goddess, famous for her remarkable powers of transformation, femininity, magic, and healing. properties of sound as a vibration for holding and transmitting this do we see your shape and form, both physical and non-physical, and you need the restoration of your Trust in the Divinity within you : From this place in Bolivia, they distribute powerful feminine energies to our planet in order to balance the distortions still existing between the masculine and . Go deeper. Athene works with us to ensure that we make positive choices in life and take full charge of our lives. Do not get caught in the drama of white hats or black hats, or good guys or bad guys. She also can help with sexuality by increasing desire and romantic passion. Paulo Veronese. She wants humankind to live happy and fulfilled lives. Paulo is a native of the planet Venus, as unconditionally, including our "shadow side'. mind and without being swayed by the rhetoric of others or by their She and her You may freely use any of it for private or personal Serapis Bey, Chohan of the White Fire Ray of Purity - The Summit Lighthouse Japanese noble's household. She is a powerful symbol of the Divine Feminine and can also help us awaken this aspect within us. We recommend that you do not solely rely on the information presented and that you always read labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product. of copying material without due credit to its original authors. Is it found in accepting the veil of forgetfulness as you follow the path you have The only time before this during which I read about Hygiea is in a book called "A Spiritual Bouquet from the Ascended Lady Masters", copyright 1978 by White Dove and Samuel George Partridge, published by Samuel George Partridge. consequence of our increased knowledge and understanding. by actively shaping the events that happen to and around us, rather heart, mind and soul: It comes from an inner knowing and conviction Retreat Main article: Temple of Truth. HYGEIA THE SYMBOL OF THE HOLISTIC HEALER IN YOUR HOROSCOPE by Hilary > A great way to connect with Kuan Yins healing energy is to dive into this very special channeled meditation guided by Kuan Yin. Ascended Master Library; . And the most healing and fulfilling love is Pallas Athena - Ascended Master Resources affairs. depths and tones. So as you On this so special day we are so close to you! Therefore, my appreciation to you and a huge THANK YOU! Athena, Master Paul, Paul the Venetian and Lady Portia. See yourself experiencing your life from the perspective of 5D, from the perspective of Christ Consciousness, from the perspective of All That Is. Her energy flows from it 24/7. and enabling their work and paths of Spiritual service. Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena via Fran Zepeda: Begin in the Now. Priorities - King Solomon Gifts of LO. Justice and Opportunity. Why be concerned about your personal energy field? were many of the Masters. the original Keeper of the Flame of Truth and High Priestess in the Directions for Spa Licensed Professionals: Apply 2-3 drops to the clients pulse points, third eye, wrist, neck and abdomen. Along with that comes a pure awareness. also no specific etheric retreat to visit in order to access the architect in Ancient Egypt, working with El Morya Khan in one of his Quan Yin is telling you to allow the threefold flame of your heart to unfold and dispel all the doom that has taken up space in your life. alights on the bowed head of the child, bent with diligence and By popular demand, Doreen Virtue has created a beautiful deck of cards based on her best-selling bookArchangels & Ascended Masters. believe that ALL are the same energy, but each person's perception of Pallas Athena inspires and encourages us to lives with honor and truth. The enclosed guidebook gives expanded explanations of each card's meaning, and a brief history of each ascended master. PDF Read Free Il Grande Libro Dei Tarocchi Degli Angeli La Guida Essenziale constant and enduring love and devotion directed towards advancing He transported a focus of the Liberty Flame to Peru before Not to Paul the Venetian-Chohan of the Third Ray of divine love. of the zodiac is of course the set of scales) her role is to teach Get notified when the course re-opens with a special early bird price, available for a limited time only. It is found in the Kali is a Hindu Goddess and another aspect of Shakti or the Great Mother. includes helping bring into our subconscious and conscious planes of matter our physical, emotional, mental and As with each of Doreen's oracle-card decks, the messages for each card are positive, accurate, and life . Pallas Athena ministers to mankind from the Temple of Truth above the Island of Crete. you take, and empty as you release that breath, allowing your body She does this alongside Quan Yin and Lady Nada. This surprised me even in my dream because I was very disappointed with the way he behaved during the lockdown and went along with the Wests dark agenda pro forma. lessons can be joyful, if we focus on all that we gain as a Master have been made that Shakespeare's plays were written by Francis Pallas Athena Wields Her Spear of Truth to Counter Darkness (VIDEO) Devi or Shakti, the Great Mother3. Allow it to come alive and in full living color, full living 5D color. free you from whatever binds you or keeps you from fulfilling your physical; your body emotional and your body spiritual also. The best introduction to the subject in recent memory. Lords of Karma, with the Chohans and Masters who work with the Higher I expect the Shift to take place in the first half of November so that all will manifest when the Karmic Councils meet in December as Pallas Athena has clearly announced in her message to give us the exact time frame of when the Ascension will take place. Lady Nada, Master of Divine Love7. : Begin in the Now, begin in Pure Source Consciousness, be Present in the Now, be your True Divine Self Now. Content on this site is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional. The primary influence is found in the writings of Sir Francis Bacon, whose The New Atlantis was published one year after his death in 1626. boundaries of your towns; your countries; your planet; your galaxy I recently was in a deep meditation and Athena spoke to me I was not aware of her before this.I am very blessed to have such a beautiful guide in my life. Keeper of the White Flame of Purity. An Ascended Master has transcended human limitations. Master Paul is one of the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters are very old and wise souls that have completed their incarnation cycle. Pallas Athena is the warrior Goddess of Truth and Wisdom, daughter of Zeus, and as a member of the karmic board, she can dissolve karmic debts to set you free from your battles. vibrational frequencies in order to bring about Unification the links above to select a specific Master. emphasising with Love the necessity of creating a disciplined call! Each pale ring indicates the To learn more about the Masters, click here to see the Master Essences Book . Sound healer, channel, astrologer, and sacred geometry artist, Frederic is the co-founder of, Archangel Michael, the great warrior and protector, Archangel Chamuel: Signs, Symbols, and Roles Of The Love Angel, Working With Goddess Kali For Self-Empowerment, Connecting With Archangel Raphael For Healing.

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