In Gaelic, the Irish native language, the word for black (or dark) is dubh, and foreigner is gall. O'Rourke Irish spelling: Ruairc Meaning: Descendent of Ruarc, King of Brifne (an area including counties Leitrim and Connacht). The term 'Black Irish' gets thrown around from time to time. So what is it that makes all so called White skinned folks exactly like one another? It began as indentured slavery otherwise known as servitude. Collins Irish spelling: Coilein Obviously African-Americans had it worse if you look at it in a way where most of their race went into slavery.yes, their own people were involved in the slave trade..but again Im just stating facts!!!! many were actually dark skinned black irish. Once they were accepted as white around the Depression, they quickly became as racist as any other white person during that time and hurriedly left the neighborhoods they were living in with Blacks. This article is interesting as the subject of Irish slavery seems to be erased from history. Did they have a say in being sold off to a new master? i.e. They changed things to cover up the greed, it is that cover up that is racism today. It is possible that the term "Black Irish" may have referred to some of these immigrant groups as a way of distinguishing them from the "Gaels," the people of ultimately Celtic origin. This is very informative. Personally, I am offended not by the story and the facts, but by the dishonest comparison. William Downing and Philip Welch. Prisoners whether for rebellion or minor offenses ended up in service. Kelley Name Meaning & Kelley Family History at This interesting name, with variant forms, Duffie, MacDuffie, McFee, McPhee, D'Duffie and O'Duhig, is an Anglicization of the ancient Gaelic personal name "Mac Dhubhshith" a compound of elements, "mac" meaning "son of" plus "dubh", "black" and . I have heard of some of the stories of the Irish slave trade; however, the black slaves in American took their last names from their masters; who usually had Scottish, Irish, or English last names. Karen, first and foremost thank you for your reply. There are particular surnames associated with the pre-removal period. They didnt want to go to war on behalf of the African American, well thats what they thought it was about,, even though we all know that the civil war wasnt about the liberation of the black slaves. The 1625 Proclamation gave the order for Irish political prisoners to be shipped off and sold to the plantation owners in the West Indies. As for how, I insist on the qualifier some, of the Blacks got their last names, I think this may just be embellished truth. Fitz means son of and it would often come before the fathers forename. Im so saddened and grateful for all of your research on this. Murphy 2. Whereas once the Irish people mainly spoke Irish (Gaelic/Gaeilge) the indigenous language English is now the primary language. Liam Hogan does a pretty good job of refuting this pseudohistory. Also, what is the point if making a caste system of victims. Regardless of the disputable facts of this particular article; Whites have been/are subjected to same level of cruel slavery as well. Where the Black Irish really came from - Great article. The name Gallagher is "O Gallchobhair" which translates as "foreign help." This is BS. Two of the most famous Gallaghers are brothers and bandmates of Oasis fame, Liam and Noel Gallagher. That meant they came here and worked their debt off and paid for their freedom. Google how and why enslaving whites/Christians was outlawed in the U.S. Im not going to do the research for you. The Irish people are native to the island country. A blog to follow. One last point, as a professor in irish are some accredited sources on irish slavery, you shouldnt get your sources from Wikipedia or any other non accredited website!!!!!! This Irish surname is of a prominent Derry sept. Its origin can be traced back to Mac Giolla osa, meaning "son of the devotee of Jesus". It is safe to say that if we knew all of history everyones ancestry has been enslaved at sometime. Britains famed Oliver Cromwell furthered this practice of dehumanizing ones next door neighbor. The Europeans did not enslave Africans, they did not have to, Africans were already enslaved (they were prisoners of war) by more powerful Africans. The South seceded from the Union because they wanted to keep their slaves that provided them with human field animals, human sex toys and the freedom to do anything they wanted with their human property. The name Doyle is in Irish "O'Dubhghaill" which literally means "dark foreigner" which reveals their heritage as an invading force with dark intentions. After Cromwell there was such a situation, that later was deemed less desirable in a cost/benefit calculation, because of Irish poverty they could get the same benefit by using indentured servitude.*footnote. McCarthy 14. The theory that the "Black Irish" are descendants of any small foreign group that integrated with the Irish and survived is unlikely. Sons James Catholic bishop of Pirtland Maine Patrick Jesuit priest who made Georgetown University. There is a very large difference between the two terms and are often conflated. Here are 10 of them: 1. The naming game where did the term 'Black Irish' come from? We know all too well the atrocities of the African slave trade. Irish last names you may recognise from around the world are Murphy ( Murchadha in Gaelic) and Walsh (Breathnach in Gaelic). My Mom is Caucasion and Scottish. And, more so, dynamised the tapestry of Irish DNA, bringing greater numbers of English and lowland-Scot inhabitants to Ireland. Where are the runaway slave notices posted for Irish slaves (as there were for black slaves)? And I would love to see references that prove that White Irish people were less expensive to purchase than African slaves. Anyway, this was a great read. The Scots-Irish and Cherokee Connection (Part 1) Blacks are/were not the only slaves. While their decision did not stop pirates from doing what they desired, the new law slowly concluded THIS chapter of nightmarish Irish misery. Visit The Information about Irelandsite to read more about Irish history, culture, and heritage. The Huns and Mongols did it. They came as slaves; vast human cargo transported on tall British ships bound for the Americas. black irish surname - The Irish Jewelry Company Just dont take my stuff from me!! And so on.., However it took a while for them to be recognized as equals, even when JFK was elected as the first real Irishman to be president!!!!!. The most famous being Sir Walter Scott, the Scottish patriot, writer, and poet. There looks to be much more valuable information available if you search on this form of the name. They include Ardagh, Athy, Bray, Kelly, Sutton, and a few others. What is Black? Words are powerful, they are spells (we are spelling) the word black in middleages means pale. Were these apprentices chattel? Whats your point? .Ireland Scotland Wales ..even babies. Famous Healys include musicians Matt Healey and Una Healey. So ledgers are a great place to start, but the the ending point. There are many different races from different parts of the world, all with their own diverse history that share the same or similar skin colors. Dunne 28. Maybe wealthy Irish werent common, but they they did exist. This is nothing new, look throughout recorded human history at every time one group has oppressed several other groups rather than unite as brothers-in-arms and the oppressed groups turn against each other in the hopes of receiving their masters favour. And I didnt look at the color of the skin of my brothers nor sisters. There is much debate over the original meaning of the term black Irish. Kelly 3. By calling yourself black you are giving your power away. If I had to hazard a guess, Id say familiarity. Slavery is a terrible condition to place on people. The Essex Institute: Salem, 1912. Posting this post is perpetuating the ideology of white supremacy. There wasnt even a need for comparison, let along doing so while ignoring all the other colors of people who were enslaved and abused. Where can I learn more about Irish names? Although there were Irish Pirates who participated in the slave trade on behalf of France, they did not discriminate and would take Irish or African slaves to sell. This is a damn sight different than chattel slavery. Giving in exchange for a debt that was owed to my grandfather, he didnt want anyone to know his family history, did you know there were Germans who were held in prison in N.Orleans La. In fact, many Norman invasion families grew to amend their family names (surnames) to reflect this. Irish ancestry stretches to the far reaches of the globe. I have always found that a fascinating sociological subject, whether its worthy of study is doubtful. Schools should teach more about this stuff, because its part of a neighbouring history which may not be NOT told. But, the tone of the article seemed to suggest that Blacks should not feel like they have been singled out bullied because the Irish was also subjected to indentured servitude or slavery. Records state that, after the 1798 Irish Rebellion, thousands of Irish slaves were sold to both America and Australia. Well never know for sure. When did the law stop saying that one drop of Irish blood could give people the legal right to kill, segregate, or abuse you? Lets also not confuse slavery with meaning only chattel slavery. What may be a mytth, however, is the numbers posited in the original article. Murray Irish spelling: Muireadhaigh Meaning: Descendent of Muireadhaigh, a seaman. The most common Irish surnames in Ireland haven't changed much for a century. Unless you know more about your name I would assume it association with immigrant Scottish planters and settlers of Northern Ireland, but it could have been adopted by some of the natives. The field needs to be tilted in the other direction for a few decades before we can be on level ground. O'Brien 7. We have to stop making up excuses for white slaveholders and the damage they inflicted onto their black captives, including the removal of our names and stripping us of even the knowledge of knowing where we are (specifically) from as the Irish, English, Spaniards, Scottish, etc. There was discrimination and stereotyping of Irish, and there were many Irish supporting the abolition movement, and later solidarity with the civil rights movement. One can work and but back their freedom, and the other one was considered less then an animal. I am a Jamaican and I do know, based on teaching, that whites were experimented as slaves for a short period; however they failed to be productive in the climate and harsh conditions. As poor people in the same boat, yes there were relationships, marriages etc. Sometime in the 17th century after the battle of Kinsale in County Cork, in Ireland which took place between 1601 -1602, the English was faced with the huge problem of looking after 30,000 men taken as Prisoners-of War. There were no Irish people born in America as a slave based on their mother being a slave.. Had you read the history on it you know this but even without a history lesson you shouldve been able to logically reason this out abecause in order for us to have their last names it would HAVE TO MEAN THAT THEY WERENT SLAVES AT THE TIME because slaves arent allowed to have their name live on only free people did But during the times of slavery in America the Irish people (in Ireland) were subjected to the penal laws, which I suspect were similar the the Jim Crow laws. Famous Brennans include conedian Neal Brennan and actor Walter Brennan. Thus, Black people dont have anything of value for the most part. The Counter-Revolution of 1776: slave resistance and the origins of the United States of America. And yes, it is as long as its title.Im still trying to wade through it. On December 21, 1988 Jesse Jackson and a group of other black "leaders" officialy declared their support for the term 'African American'. Then after a time the law change and blacks were considered chattel so therefore were unable to buy their freedom. So, no, Irish did not get to keep their names, they got to keep their anglicized names, just like African slaves. Think about this; slavery is a serious business and slaves are property like cattle, horses, sheep etc. Are we interested in championing numbers or political views here? My entire family ancestry is from the island of Montserrat. If it were slavery, as the Africans suffered, it would have been called slavery. You would be amazed at what all of history has been created. No one could understand the African language. The African slave adapted readily to the tropical conditions of the West Indies,but they had to be purchased, whereas the Irish were hunted down like rabbits in their homeland, and were free of charge for the taking. Moore is another of the most popular Irish names. (I feel it necessary to elaborate because of your intellectual handicap. It started with a video of the Black Irish of Montserrat. The Vikings were often referred to as the "dark invaders" or "black foreigners." And not just black and Irish, but other races/groups as well. True Irish (native non-protestants) were not even allowed to own property in Ireland until the early 1800s. Full history, EXPLAINED. The Irish, Native Americans, Africans and those native to the islands were classified as savages, not because of skin color, but because they did not ascribe to the supremacy of Protestantism. In its conception, Ireland was made up of kin groups or clans. Surname Origin Irish Last Names Irish Last Names L. Elizabeth Forry Updated: July 29, 2022 Find your Irish last name and learn about its meaning and origins on this list of popular Irish surnames. Shame on you. Examples of famous Stewarts include actress Kristen Stewart, actor Patrick Stewart, and musician Rod Stewart, among many others. The powers that be, have kept a lot of the truth where history covered up because, its all so ugly as well as in humane!!!!!!!! Instead the only thing of Ireland you learn is that Dublin is its capital.. Much of their strange language is left over from the Gaelic that once was spoken widely in those hills. Exaggerated claims aside, Im not sure how unless you give that stuff more credibility than its worth. The main difference is that 600,000 people died in a civil war to end Black slavery, not Irish indentured service. You changed that right now!!!! Thus, welcoming a new wave of dark-complexioned Irish people. No Irish Catholic had the right to own land in Ireland. The intention of this was to divulge their cultural stance and tell of their intentions to bring force and darkness upon Ireland. Famous Sheehans include bass guitarist Billy Sheehan and American writer Susan Sheehan. Sure there is a difference, but servant is a perhaps a misnomer. Thanks for sharing. What do we see here? Irish indentured servants were not emancipated. This led to a helpless population of homeless women and children. This whole conversion of who had it worse is nonsensical. If it were slavery, as the Africans suffered, it would have been called slavery. Now is it Irish or Scottish. Horrific story, and the things the Irish went through shouldnt be forgotten. Your comment about liberals is also misdirected, they dont seem to be making the argument for Irish slavery. Maybe because the African names were too hard to pronounce. Our ppl fled into west and central Africa (Khem aka Ham) after Jerusalem was destroyed by Rome in 70 CE. a male black slave cannot transfer an Irish last it would have had to be a male Irish slave mating with an African slave women who would not have been the owner of the slave child , it would have to have the name of the white owner, so riddle us that?? Smith 6. I am in my late 40s. My Great great great grandmother was the daughter of an Irish Slave Owner. The numbers and the periods have also been exaggerated to make the act look gross and longer. it made things a whole lot easier to change their names. I have about 3 lines of my family in which this happened. This has already been disproven. Gee, did the Irish ever make whisky? Black (surname) - Wikipedia O'Connell 26. Inquire at- My grandmother had told me this when I was a little girl, If you come from a family who is of mixed race, and they know the old family school and is not afraid to tell you, cause this was known but your not suppose to talk about it..but I always knew cause of the red hair, but eyes and freckles..the freckles are a sure sign my grandma would say..I learned sp much from her said she wasnt allowed to talk are educate anyone of it, once my grandfather died she told everything..she was a Creole borne in Baton Rouge La. 3.

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