When aviation was just starting to take off, pilots flew in open cockpits, so wore scarves to protect their neck from the cold and chaffing. Her class had its wings pinned on by fabled Pan Am founder Juan Trippe. Are you seriously giving that much credit to Chinese party for the containment of the virus? https://www.smartshanghai.com/pictures/13205. Sure, its somewhat sensical in theory, but totally unworkable in practice. No. The small size of the lavatories means that the quantity of air is not large, making it easier to exchange.". China's flight attendants are being advised to wear diapers as part of their protective uniform to guard against contracting COVID-19 on flights to and from high-risk countries, CNN Travel. Heck the crazy lady astronaut driving 18 hrs nonstop to catch her boyfriend astronaut cheating with another lady astronaut also wore diapers so she wouldnt have to stop for toilet breaks. While flight attendants didn't wear scarves in the early days of aviation, scarves are still iconic due to their use in the early days of aviation. His website, FareCompare.com, offers consumers free, new-generation software, combined with expert insider tips to find the best airline ticket deals. China's transportation officials are recommending flight attendants wear disposable diapers and avoid restrooms at all costs on flights serving countries with high rates of coronavirus. Best of all were the airline's signature "around the world" flights lasting 10 or 11 days with layovers in the great cities of the world. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/23/asia/shanghai-airport-coronavirus-testing-intl-hnk-scli/index.html. It is indeed quite funny for flight attendant to wear diapers. I do agree though that every person, including FAs, should have access to a lavatory at all times. (And beating it doesn't mean make it go away forever; it means stopping local transmission and then immediately stamping it out when it comes back, and that's finally what we've done though we certainly took our sweet time in Melbourne.). "We were always tired, always in another time zone," laughed Waterman. The owner of this site is not an investment advisor, financial planner, nor legal or tax professional and articles here are of an opinion and general nature and should not be relied upon for individual circumstances. In fact, back in March, the Taiwan CDC director was on the news suggesting Taiwanese people to avoid taking flight as much as possible and if they must take a flight, to wear masks, bring hand sanitizer, try to avoid lavatory and maybe wear diapers to lower the risk from getting infected. The idea that flight attendants should wear diapers should be placed directly in the diaper bin with all the other refuse. This is how you beat the virus. Little-known historical facts that FDR and LBJ was briefly educated in Moscow and Havana, respectively. "They don't want you to take tips. I am happy to add that communism dramatically failed everywhere it was tried and where it has somewhat worked (China) it is more market-based totalitarianism that robs people of precious universal rights. Flight attendants are advised to wear diapers," the CAAC states. I feel like this is just a language translation error after all, China is a bit known for that. In August, a woman traveling from Italy to South Korea contracted coronavirus during her trip, and a visit to the bathroom the only place where she didnt wear an N95 mask was named as the possible source of her infection. . The important thing to keep in mind is that airlines have these requirements to make sure that flight attendants meet the overall appearance standards that they have set out. Theres a reason youve likely never seen a flight attendant with bright pink or rainbow-striped hairand thats definitely one of the first things youd notice. How soon before Plugs has us doing that in the US? A stellar smile. Generally, they work no more than 12 hours per day, but may in some cases (especially in the event of oversea international flights) work 14 hours or more. Seeing these videos may make you feel even more motivated to be a polite and helpful . While policies vary from company to company, most airlines dont allow visible tattoosand that includes ones that are covered with makeup or bandages. SHARES. During its study of the coronavirus outbreak of the Diamond Princess cruise shipthis spring, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that novel coronavirus RNA, or genetic material (not the live virus),was still present on the surfaces of cabins occupied by both symptomatic and asymptomatic passengers and crew up to 17 days after they left the ship. Though that's not considered a vast age difference today (look at George Clooney and all his young girlfriends), she deadpans, "The pilots were really nice, but movie stars they were not. They also cant drink within eight hours of flying. A section on PPE advises cabin crew on flights to and from high-risk countries to wear medical masks, double-layer disposable medical gloves, goggles, disposable hats, disposable protective clothing, and disposable shoe covers., The next sentence reads: It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks.. Every airline has a social media policy that crew members are expected to follow. Flight attendants usually cant show off a cartilage piercing, and many need to stick with the classic: one earring in each lobe. Flight Attendants In Diapers? Just give you a perspective on what level of control we are talking about. So you will get your DimSum served by an attendant walking around with a brown sixpounder in his diaper? Plus, cooking classes. Now, in fairness, these are just recommendations crews are only required to wear masks and goggles, while the diapers are optional, at least on the CAAC level (individual airlines can also set stricter policies, of course). Agree with Claus, they should be able to reserve/lock one bathroom for crew members only. Since airlines operate day and night and year-round, flight attendants must have a flexible schedule. These go beyond the rules passengers need to follow when they fly. So, unless you've got a tattoo on the soles of your feet, you're going to have to skip out on the foot ink. FAA regulations allow passengers to drink only alcohol thats been served to them, and flight attendants would risk losing their jobs if they let you bend the rules. But diapers? Weve seen flight attendants wear all kinds of PPE to keep themselves (and others) safe when traveling. Advertiser Disclosure: Some links to credit cards and other products on this website will earn an affiliate commission. antonio arcos aka fotonstudio photography/Getty Images, We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), rules passengers need to follow when they fly, things flight attendants wouldnt do on an airplane, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. While such advice may seem dramatic, its no secret that lavatories can be the germiest place on an airplane. ), and how to put on spikey false eyelashes ("not to mention the blue eye shadow, to match our uniforms," says Waterman). Although female flight attendants are encouraged to wear makeup, male flight attendants are not allowed to wear any. @Samo this is only insane to you. USSR, NK, China before instead pivoting to exploiting the wests naivete, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc etc etc. Most people don't do that because there are washrooms in the aircraft so you can use it when you need to (except the time when the "seatbelt" sign is on of course). Best Shoes for Flight Attendants 2022 1. Suddenly the astronaut woman who wore a diaper to drive all night to confront her lover seems so normal. The reason for this is because in many emergency situations (like the list above) there are scenarios where a a flight attendant will need to perform certain actions at very specific time periods that can come down to the second. On November 25, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) released new guidelines for the countrys airline industry, which it oversees. Its just government staying in their lane. Additionally, there is fresh air continually pumped into the lavatory via one or more air vents. I am again reminded that many choices in life come with risk, but running a cost-benefit analysis is far more important than avoiding risk. Diapers can be necessary for adults with various conditions, such as incontinence, mobility impairment, severe diarrhea or dementia.Adult diapers are made in various forms, including those resembling . Bloomberg reports on how the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has published an updated 38-page list of guidelines for airlines, intended to stop the spread of coronavirus. . Most airlines restrict hair colors for both men and women. ", In case you were wondering, stewardesses were not encouraged to flirt with passengers, but sometimesstuff happened. 02/6/2023 - 6:00 am | View Link; A new COVID landscape in China "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks," the manual says. At the same time, the CAAC is the aviation authority, and many airlines in China are government owned (directly or indirectly), so youd think some airlines would follow recommendations. Along with vaccines, innovations in aircraft bathroomsare on the way: Japan Air Lines is working on a touchlessbathroom door. In the bizarre clip, the flight attendant, whose name badge is . If youre applying to become a flight attendant for the first time, you might be wondering if youll be allowed to wear a watch while on the job. Lucky, I saw an article that said European airlines recommend to keep valves for air closed while us airlines strongly recommend keeping them open. But while you might think people on their feet all day deserve comfortable footwear, most airlines also say no to athletic shoes. High-risk countries are defined as those with infections exceeding 500 per million people. ). Secrets of the Singapore Girl Flying College There are five approved hairstyles for Singapore Air's flight attendants. I am so excited tha, I greatly miss the @lufthansa #747-8 at @flylaxair. If flight attendant rules prevent you from tipping a crew member who went above and beyond, you might be able to give flight attendant gifts instead. Instead, they need to wait for directions from an onboard doctor. To be candid, it doesnt sound like you really know much about it, but that is possible the single strangest ad hominem remark about the topic I think Ive ever read. In fact, back in March, the Taiwan CDC director was on the news suggesting Taiwanese people to avoid taking flight as much as possible and if they must take a flight, to wear masks, bring hand sanitizer, try to avoid lavatory and maybe wear diapers to lower the risk from getting infected. One time, Waterman carefully stowed some paintings for actor Robert Mitchum who was very grateful. Its very important to airlines that flight attendants look professional and give a great impression of the airline. Agents have a signature color block dress with Cruising Cardinal accents. That said, the policy is slowly changing. Some, such as Southwest and American Airlines, require weight to be in proportion with height. This sounds harsh, but its an airplane safety rule. Wearing a watch when dressed for an interview adds to that stylish and polished look. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Im also cabin crew for a major airline. Anybody interested in this should check out Nobel Prize winning economist F.A. Red is their go-to color for a reason, according to Elizabeth Upshaw, a former JetBlue flight attendant. Will miss the @united #globalfirstlounge at #ord. Southwest allows their male flight attendants to wear bronzer or concealer, as long as it looks professional, conservative and complements the uniform and the employees complexion. Trendy styles, on the other hand, are not allowed. ", The next sentence reads: "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks.". I just read the CAAC regulation itself. 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site is for entertainment purposes only. That stopgap policy, however, is going to come to an end on March 1, 2020 when the latest iteration in American's flight attendant uniform is rolled out. Get it together, folks. If they wear contacts, they must be a natural color. But the virus is still spreading around the world and in doing so, raised concern over flight attendant actions which may contribute to that spread. They also make the cabin crew easy to find when you need 'em. July 12, 2021, 3:57 PM PDT By Antonio Planas A Seattle woman said a flight attendant humiliated her mid-flight for trying to dispose of her daughter's dirty diaper in a bathroom garbage bin. Where is the old spirit of Nasa? Wearing a watch helps with this. She began with "charm school"-style training and ended up keeping an eye out for bombs onboard. Heres some airplane trivia for you: Paid hours for most cabin crews begin only once the boarding door is closed and the plane starts moving. Flight attendants will wear the new uniforms, created by two well-known Ukrainian fashion brands, as of this autumn. If anything, flight attendants know their bodies the best and they can prepare for their flights by eating at certain times so they know when theyll most likely need to use the restroom, etc. For most airlines, everyone needs to be between 4 foot, 11 inches and 6 foot, 4 inches tall, and be able to reach items 6 feet, 7 inches off the ground. Review: South African Airways A320 Business Class, Review: Mashonzha Lounge Johannesburg (JNB), Official: US Adds Testing Requirement For Air Passengers From China, Man Dragged Out Of His Home By Chinese Authorities, Spirit Airlines Flight Diverts After Battery Fire Onboard, 10 Hospitalized, New SWISS Senses Business And First Class Seats, Garlic Bread Returns To United Airlines Polaris Business Class, Why Would I Need Pants On? (Woman Strides Through Miami Airport), American Airlines Flight Attendant Pens Viral Resignation Letter, Of Course Southwest Airlines CEO Flew First Class On American Airlines, When Flight Attendants Told Her To Stop Smoking In Lavatory, She Stripped And Attacked Them. Please view our advertising policy page for additional details about our partners. Its not anarchy. Disgusting, The new United Polaris Lounge at Washington Dulles, @malaysiaairlines just announced it would retire i, Welcome to @fly_bur @aveloair! On international flights, everything is different. more the fault of inaction by Chinas government? For this reason, no tattoos can be on your feet. You clearly read their mind. von Hayeks The Fatal Conceit. Double-layer disposable medical rubber gloves. Flight attendants work for private and commercial airlines to keep passengers safe and comfortable. Editorial Disclosure: The editorial content on this page is not provided by any entity mentioned herein. But pressing the call bell every 20 minutes because you want . 5:50 AM EST, Thu December 10, 2020. Or would it not have been very effective at all? No. But I'm guessing if the choice is between wearing diapers or getting sick, I think they'll wear the diaper. The mascot looks less like a . The CAAC is recommending that flight attendants on charter flights to high risk destinations wear disposable diapers to avoid using lavatories. I feel like any exit restrictions on foreign nationals would not have been met kindly by the international community. This wouldnt be fun on a long haul flight. Thanks for contacting us. "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the lavatories barring special circumstances to avoid infection risks," says the guidelines from the Civil. Holy Mother of God! This is absurb.the COVID stuff has completely gone overboard. And that was in addition to the already long list of rules cabin crews are required to follow. The good news is that the air in the lavatory does not seem to pose a major risk. "Try a red, and you'll be surprised how much it helps you look . Libertarianism is the natural order of things without heavy handed government intervention. "Most of the pilots were about 20 years older than we were." She added he was certainly easier to deal with than some of the screaming kids on her flights. United Airlines leaves no questions as to what type of facial hair is acceptable. Sometimes the chimes hold greater significance, alerting flight attendants to an emergency or change in route. Just look at the recent footage coming out of PVG. Customers were told that masks were not necessary and anyone wearing one was welcome to. "We have flights attendants from 18 to 70 years of age and a great variety of body typeswe need more than a three-piece suit with a white shirt or a skirt or dress option to wear," says a. It's not yet fully understood how great an infection risk that fomites genetic material found on surfaces like tray tables and lavatory toilet seats and sinks pose to passengers and crew. Everything is open. Flight attendants with less than 20/20 vision must wear eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct their vision. Here is her story. After this pandemic is over China will have a large corps of diaper trained flight attendants and pilots to choose from for their space missions China training for Moon mission. Christa Gifford, a Las Vegas-based flight attendant for Allegiant Air and president of Transport Workers Union of America . For example back in March when a wave of people (departing from US & Europe) returning to China, HK and Taiwan many of the passengers covered themselves with PPE and wore diapers to prevent themselves from using the lavatory. I needed to have emergency bowel surgery a year ago that resulted in surgeons having to create an ileostomy. They forbid stilettos, heels over 3 inches and cowboy bootsmakes sense, considering high heels arent the best option for emergencies. Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. Great table manners, too." As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, transportation officials around the world have been looking for ways to keep passengers and crew safe on board planes. A job interview gives an organization the opportunity to get to know an applicant and see if they would be a good fit for a job. The perfect @flysas name tag for #Longyearben! Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. The image of a flight attendant is of high importance to airlines so there are usually requirements as to what the watch looks like. The actual diaper bit is more appropriately translated as In extortionary circumstances, cabin crew may utilize single use sanitary pads to reduce the risk of transmission.. On the other hand, diapers. Just like when we are wearing V-neck clothes, we need to wear a necklace. On both sets of flights, announcements were made during boarding and after take-off regarding the masks. If youre considering a career as a flight attendant, one, A question that people often ask is if there is, Flight Attendant Watches (Rules, Requirements, and more), If a flight attendant has to administer CPR, they can use their watch to time the pumps they are giving the passenger, Synchronize watches during an emergency situation and perform emergency procedures at specific times, Keep track of time during the difference phases of the flight (boarding, preparing for take off or landing, etc. Flight attendants can wear perfume or cologne only if applied sparingly.. People don't really wear masks anymore except on public transportation. Its a foolish idea disproportionate to the risk, especially when there are less intrusive solutions available such as assigning one lavatory exclusively for crew use. It worked in the US for about 150 years before the statists started eroding the nation. Yes, avoiding socialising with people outside my household is tough on mental health, but it's so much better than this madness around the world. While many airlines stipulate that women must wear makeup, they often restrict men from doing the same. That said, some airlines do allow for creative expression. Editorial Disclosure: The editorial content on this page is not provided by any entity mentioned herein. The saddest part is that people now think this is normal and it has to be that way (while my day to day life for the last two months proves that it doesn't). China's Civil Aviation Administration has issued new advice on how cabin crew can stay safe. And I say that as an American living in Australia. Just hold it or wear diapers!!! Everything's included in the airfare. what's that? If youre hired by an airline to be a flight attendant they will most likely walk you through their specific appearance standards and rules. Everyone in China is watching the news from overseas like watching a disaster film. Nowadyas they want toilets even on the Crew Dragon for an 18 hr mission!!!!. A section on PPE advises cabin crew on flights to and from high-risk countries to wear "medical masks, double-layer disposable medical gloves, goggles, disposable hats, disposable protective clothing, and disposable shoe covers." The next sentence reads: "It is recommended that cabin crew members wear disposable diapers and avoid using the . Smiling is part of a flight attendant's job, of course, and many female cabin crew members are required to wear lipstick as part of their uniform. When United Airlines updated its uniform policy in 2021, it announced that cabin crew will be able to have visible tattoos, provided theyre smaller than the employee work badge. The section on personal protective equipment recommends that flight attendants wear medical protective masks, double-layer disposable medical rubber gloves, goggles, disposable caps, disposable protective clothing, and disposable shoe covers. Also, since youll be required to wear a watch while working as a flight attendant anyway, it shows your prospective employer that you look the part and already wear a watch. They cannot be serious. I'm grateful be in a position where I could relocate a country which accepts Covid as the new reality and lets people have fairly normal lifes with minimal restrictions. It is indeed quite funny for flight attendant to wear diapers. The last thing youd want to do is buy a new watch just for the job and find out it isnt one you can wear. The Civil Aviation Administration of China has issued some unusual advice for flight attendants looking for ways to avoid contracting coronavirus while working: It suggested they wear diapers to reduce their need to use airplane lavatories. Lack of beauty. Try and stay sane. These are called briefs or incontinence pads. There's so much to remember to bring a change of clothes, extra diapers, toys, and snacks and the need to try to keep a little one entertained and calm during a long flight can be an . Ive never really bought the deliberately withheld information argument, as I feel like our own government could be accused of that as well. They do still have to meet the appearance standard that the airline they work for has for the look/size/color of the watch. Not only are flight attendants allows to wear a watch while working flight attendants are actually required to wear a watch due to FAA regulations. Yes, flight attendants can wear smart watches while working. 7. The CAAC also recommends that airlines divide cabins into four zones, including the clean area, the buffer zone, the passenger sitting area, and the quarantine area, which each section separated by disposable curtains. Please dont call it a diaper! Personal data point: my friend left her home in Shanghai, visited Beijing, and was required by Shanghai municipality to do a kind of quarantine before being allowed to return to Shanghai. Rick Seaney is one of the country's leading experts on airfare, giving interviews and analysis to news organizations that include ABC News, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, the Associated Press and Bloomberg. Flight attendants in China have reportedly been urged to wear disposable diapers and to avoid using airplane bathrooms to help stop the spread of coronavirus. "We'd give him fruit," said Waterman. You will notice than on descent and the seatbelt signs are on, the lavs are all unavailable; ie locked, so "please return to your seat for landing ma'am!" Sure, flight attendants are the ones pouring your drinks and bringing your food, but theyre nothing like a restaurant server. Then she began to fly. A look at both the glamorous and the grim sides of life as a Pan Am stewardess. Best use of Astronaut training. Or because of inaction by our own Federal government? Hold on tight. What airlines are doing to sanitize planes. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. And even the "outbreaks" are orders of magnitude less than the numbers elsewhere. My first flight was in 2019, and it was magical, she says. They don't want people to feel like they have to tip, because it's our job," McCord says. After this pandemic is over China will have a large corps of diaper trained flight attendants and pilots to choose from for their space missions and moon missions. The one big exception is Frontier airlines, which now allows people to add a 15%, 20% or 25% gratuity when buying food or snacks. Pool party anyone? Since wearing a watch is a requirement for due to safety procedures, having the watch battery die during a flight is not allowed. That part isn't too eyebrow-raising, but the next line is. Not sure how its disgusting when babies and elderly use diapers. Two women wear Qantas' modern uniforms in November 2013. The document, titled Technical Guidelines for Epidemic Prevention and Control for Airlines, Sixth Edition, contains advice about the best hygiene practices to carry out on aircraft and in airports. Also, please do not hand us soiled diapers. Airplane bathroom design was already a hot topic before Covid-19, but the pandemic has focused efforts to come up with new solutions. Heck the crazy lady astronaut driving 18 hrs nonstop to catch her boyfriend astronaut cheating with another lady astronaut also wore diapers so she wouldnt have to stop for toilet breaks. But they can wear only natural colored contactsand United Airlines even specifies that the color must be the same in both eyes. "The air in the lavatory is continually changed, as it is in the cabin," USA TODAY aviation columnist and retired US Airways pilot John Cox said in a September story. Now, in fairness, its important to emphasize that these are merely recommendations from the CAAC, and this applies to charter flights. Additional reporting by Marissa Laliberte. She has appeared in television news segments for CBS, FOX and NBC. Why dont they just lock one lavatory and use it for crew only? The agency, which is China's counterpart to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, offered that suggestion in a new document called "Technical Guidelines for Epidemic Prevention and Control for Airlines" that was published in late November,according to reports from CNN and Fox News. Additionally, you'll receive benefits, like health and . Most mascot jobs do not require you to wear a diaper, but this one does. ", As for the girdle, she never wore it again once training classes were over. The document, titled Technical Guidelines for Epidemic Prevention and Control for Airlines, Sixth Edition, contains advice about the best hygiene practices to carry out on aircraft and in airports. So what are the chances a doctor is on your flight? Mens beards cant grow more than one inch below their chins, and their mustaches cant grow more than a quarter inch below the mouth. Japanese airline ANA announced earlier this year that it was testing out a prototype of a new hands-free lavatory door. Or you can keep reading to find out the surprising flight attendant rules we learned from the airlines and crew. I want to preface it by saying Im not sure in whose world this seemed like a good idea to include. You don't have to wear a mask on planes. Meanwhile, Boeing successfully applied for a patent on a self-cleaning lavatory that would use UV light to clean 99.9% of bathroom germs after every use. Other airlines specify that any accessories, including hair barrettes, tie tacks and necklaces, be a specific colorusually limited to silver, gold or black. The outlook for the tourism and travel industry looks grim as air travel has fallen off sharply and thousands of employees have been furloughed due to the pandemic. China is certainly not under control. The irony: we now enjoy all of the freedom and normality in places like here in Australia that American "patriots" are screaming about not having, all because they simply refuse to do the work necessary to earn them. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Look, the headline is indeed over the top but interesting that so many commenters feel the need to question and be sceptical about the success of China to control Covid yet have no such attacks ready to go for places like New Zealand and Australia which have done the same thing. Some airlines, like British Airways, have even more stringent height restrictions. As noted, stewardesses-in-training circa 1970 followed an unusual regimen. The idea is that the crew needs to be able to maneuver quickly and without getting in the way of passengers during an emergency.

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