The whole thing is sick. I put blue in quotation marks because anthropological surveys of eye color typically refer to light vs dark eyes, with the dark category usually limited to the brown shades and all other colors from hazel to ice blue included in the light category. But I believe we are friends. The country in which I reside has a very low melanin pigment count; thus, many of its citizens have light or dark brown eyes and blond hair. "This globally recognized image of Jesus didn't come from Bethlehem," she said in the video above. Now that the evidence has been strengthened, we can finally put an end to all those nagging questions regarding whether or not you have brown eyes or blue ones. Regarding intelligence among the different groups of Europeans, I saw a breakdown that put Italians at the top, so who knows. Some show it while others throw it. 21 Though many millions paid with their lives, it saved as many in the future, throughout Europe. By India Today Web Desk: In a TV interview with the BBC, Ukraine's deputy chief prosecutor David Sakvarelidze said the war situation unfolding in his country was "very emotional" for him because "European people with blue eyes and blonde hair" were being killed every day. 2. My dads side is Geneovese (from Genoa and even north of there) my mothers side is Sicilian. This means that it will not be hard for you to get this scholarship. This age-old question has been at the fore front of many a beauty contest over the years. The most obvious problem is that the category of American adults are only about 65% European and less than 60% Northern European, which is the population to which the term Aryan ideal applies. These blue-eyed people have exactly the same gene that makes both eyes blue, but have it in a different location on their scalp. The ones with the blonde hair and blue eyes all moved to the European regions and the other blacks moved to diffrrent parts of the world. They are sometimes called the Shining Ones (as with the Annunaki in Sumeria), like the greeks called themselves hellenes (greek. However, with the recent acceleration of jewish driven hate and venom being spewed at Whites here in America, it was inevitable that White females would not be able to be exempted from this jewish hate indefinitely. Maybe I'm just parroting some bullshit here. To the extent that jewish Hollywood and the jewish controlled and dominated advertising industry once went so overboard on using White females to sell their products and especially so, when advertising them in non-White, non-European nations essentially elevating White female beauty to become the world standard and, I am convinced, with an ulterior and malicious intent they did so as a means of instilling a sense of lust and covetousness within non-white males and brainwash them to wanting to poach White women from the White mans natural reproductive mating pool. Why do Kpop idols go bald? The other problem is the source, the sociologist Christie Davies. Apologies though, could you please clarify your point for me? Although it has long been suspected that blonde hair and blue eyes are genetic linked, it was not until recent studies were able to show a direct link between these traits. However, dark blue is actually very common. Whenever Goku powered up, fans watched as the cheerful warrior hulked out with gravity-defying blonde hair and blue eyes. Lauren Williams, an Austin-based hairstylist, adds, "This shade is really the best of the best for just about any skin tone. Apparently the light eye colors were the traits preserved from the hunter-gatherers in those interactions. [35] A study conducted in 2003 concluded that only four percent of American adults are naturally blond. By continuing to browse the site, you are legally agreeing to our use of cookies and general site statistics plugins. 10 As you probably dont know, East Prussia was separated from the Reich by Poland; often disregarding the euphonious Wilsonian public referenda. The amount of melanin the pigment that gives skin its color is highly correlated with eye color. 20 Why in hell would anyone expect us to apologize, for kicking in their door three weeks prematurely ? 17 He speaks of Stalin, lecturing his Staff and Military Academies, that while war is immoral and a concomitant of imperialism/ capitalism, the coming war would be deeply moral and essential. My mother and sister have beautiful blue eyes, mine are brown. No, It is not rare at all for Germans as there are many in my family who is half German and the other half is Scandinavian. The normal category that we all belong to, and can fit into with ease in the beauty world. 19 Hess flew to England causing Stalin to wait for a possible British/German peace, which caused him to postpone his planned May 15 attack until the middle of July. I recall Boris Johnson, as Mayor of London, at the end of the Peking Olympics, walking past a long lineup of 6ft. The ideal Aryan had pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Truth has more to do with COMMON SENSE than anything else. By the time Dragon Ball Z adapted Toriyama's work into an anime, Goku's look was known around the world, and the Super Saiyan aesthetic was popularized. The job of this pigment is to determine the darkness of the hair. Hitler favored Aryans (blond- haired, blue- eyed) (cookie cutters) due to the fact that he thought that they were a "pure race." Aryans were at the ranked at the top of the racial pyramid (second was Southern Europeans and at the bottom was dark skinned people.) Dr. Dalton states that the Scandinavian Hunter Gatherers (SHGs) were descended from the westerners that had come up through Spain, and the easterners that came via the Middle East, [who] met and began to interbreed in north-central Europe. The current scientific consensus is that the SHGs were already in place circa 8,000 years ago and were largely descended from the Ancient North Eurasians (who have provided the earliest know sample of the gene for blond hair circa 18,000 years ago), long before the arrival of the mixed descendants of the Neolithic Anatolian Farmers (Dr. Daltons Middle-Easterners) to that region. Blonde hair and blue eyes where associated with Nordic people, which they glorified, while dark hair and brown eyes was associated with Jews, which they despised. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. One after another, they mention what far-flung parts they come from. Is it safe to say that more than 5% of Whites have lived in or are descended from the cold climates? Whatever the reason, white women are dyeing to be blond. So I don't think there is anything strange about that part of this belief. Evolving to *superior forms* the genes should become stronger, healthier, dominant. They told me, that under Hitler their difference was meticulously honored and they were excluded from Wehrmacht service against their own. Over styling Includes Excess Hair Color & Extreme Heat. I guess many smart people are blonde sure but to try to make them out to be smarter than people with brown hair is just not factual. Some scientists think men with light hair and eyes are instinctively drawn to women with the same coloring. That is why; a person is more likely to be struck by lightning than having this genetic combination. Regarding pigmentation, the most attractive combination in women is light eyes, dark hair and pale skin, simply because this combination achieves maximum contrast. Another big disappointment is his back-tracking on the holocaust as well as on being a revisionist. When it didnt pay off as he had expected, he joined the Jewish Lobby in moving the center of the holocaust from Auschwitz to the farthest eastern transit only camps mainly Sorbibor, Belzec and Treblinka, that he claims (agrees) murdered up to 2.5 million Jews. He completely destroyed himself as a holocaust revisionist hoping the Jews would let him sell his books again. Copyright @ 2022 Traction Beauty | All rights reserved. Typical recessive traits are tallness, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Thus, the cause of blue eyes is not any specific compound present in the iris of the eye but rather the absence of melanin. Trying to find rational explanations for irrational beliefs is a fool's errand. But its very different when I make an image search on the internet with the key words: black people Omo valley. There are two theories as to why many Scandinavians have blonde hair. That is something, at least. Forgive me if I have overlooked the answer I am seeking, however the essay states that only 5% of Whites have blue eyes. Green eyes are very rare, sure, and hey, it was kind of cool that everybody with blue eyes nowadays is related, but you just do not have the recessive gene that is blue-eyed to offer. In fact, numerous White Nationalists have boasted of dating Asian women, and one associated with the movement even wrote an Asian sex tourism book. If yes, that is because blonde hair is finer as compared to the hair of another color. 11 Poland charged an outrageous 50,000 Reichsmarks for the passage of each train through the Polish Corridor, to keep East Prussia and its beautiful capital, Koenigsberg, economically and familially viable. You are right, even although that bought traitor to Britain Churchill was growling about Hitler and his Narzis pre-war, the British people before, during & after considered their enemy Germany, not Nazis, and certainly not fascists, never mind fascism. There was no Nazi Germany until the war and after the war except in Jewish media. As soon as he became Chancellor in Germany, the Jewish opposition was screaming, howling about Nazis. Once again, to claim, as Ron Unz does, that Nazi was an acceptable, widely used term within the NSDAP for one another, is false. However, there is no compound which makes the eye appear blue. Anyone with a heart would see this as the sorry case it is, and ask the police to tell him to stay away at most. Ha ha ha. The original main building, Kilian Hall, is named for John Kilian, founder of the first Texas Lutheran church associated with the LCMS and leader of a large group of Wends (also called SORBS) who settled in the Serbin area. A greater quantity of melanin will make the eye of the darker. Blue eyes are an inherited trait. The pigment that causes dark hair, skin, and eyes is called melanin. 3. No-one involved is Jewish, but sexy women in mass circulation papers is Jewish, sportswomen having to promote themselves as set kittens is Jewish, the dumb feminism Raducencu imbibed at school is Jewish, the courts now dominated by women and female neuroticisms is Jewish, and the complete lack of any mercy at all is Jewish. These people would have to have had brown hair to have the recessive gene, which will turn them all brown-eyed. Therefore, if you notice that your eyes appear to be blue when you look at yourself in the mirror, then it is likely that you may have some form of blue eyes. Shakespeare, and Dostojevsky, not blonde. And most of the Nazi leadership came up pretty short on Aryan / Nordic features. 'People with blue eyes and blond hair are dying': Media's racist war coverage March 14, 2022 9:53 AM CDT By Roger McKenzie African residents in Ukraine wait at the platform inside Lvov. As a European man living in Asia, I have always noticed images of white European people used in advertising here to promote products and services to Asians. The essay also purports that humans with black skin migrated north, and due to the colder climate, the skin, hair, and eyes likely lightened over time. Only in America have I seen attempts to culturally reverse this natural tendency, but it is doomed to fail. Blond hair is indeed rare; only around 5% of White adults are naturally blond. whos name flavius means blonde, or yellow haired. However, some people may have light brown eyes, but also have blue or green ones as well. The most common name of this rare eye color combination is brown-eyed. The skin lightening occurred much later, as a selective sweep (again, driven largely by sexual selection?) All Kpop idols look completely flawless! The question is this: Why the silence over Nordic-Asian pairings that are just so stereotypically common and in the media constantly, and instead on a fixation with interbreeding with other *indigenous* Europeans? 7 Facts About Blonde Hair Blue Eyes With Awesome Photos. In that African context, I would agree they are beautiful. He was also an immigrant, nkt the horrible black, Pakistan or Arab types, but some sort of gentle East Asian, probably not used to being bombarded with flirty, sexual images of an almost perfect 19 year old in the media. Take a look at Italy: The more or less White Northern Italy produced the Renaissance, while the more or less semitic, dark Southern Italy produced criminal organisations like the Mafia, the Camorra, the Nhangreta, La Sacra Corona, and now there is even a Mafia Capitale in Roma. The earliest known presence of the blond hair allele was from an ANE related specimen from Cetral Asia dated to around 16-kYP. link to Do Kpop Idols Have Hairy Body, Legs, Arms & Armpits? I was very much surprised when I saw the 5% figure for all White adults with naturally blonde hair. believe it or not he believed he was in contact with a groups of "Nordic" beings from the "inner earth" that he was in contact with through a group of psychic woman called the THULE SOCIETY. Europe records the earliest light eyed people with the Western Hunter-Gatherers, who had varying shades of non-dark brown eye color, but still with dark skin and hair. It seems there was a lot of time to lighten, yet only 5% of Whites have blue eyes? So, I think this is why the jewish media have been so busy brainwashing White females to destroy their natural beauty by getting all of these disgusting tattoos all over their bodies; this is basically no different than a mestizo with a can of spray paint, painting ugly graffiti on every fence or on the side of every building in town. Orange hair may be considered one of the alt hairstyles, but it is another natural pairing with blue eyes. (They didnt, which shows DI is not too smart either.) Recessive Traits. That is why children born with blonde hair and blue eyes might not remain so for the rest of their life.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'bestgroomingtips_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_19',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestgroomingtips_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); As we stated above, the region of people having this genetic combination is from Europe. Originally Answered: Are blonde & blue eyed humans more evolutionary advanced than others? The volume of hair is equally higher in people who have blonde hair and blue eyes.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bestgroomingtips_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',132,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestgroomingtips_com-leader-4-0'); If yes, that is because blonde hair is finer as compared to the hair of another color. Fraid so for the Hitler fan club out here. On the one hand, blue eyes are seen as an ideal of beauty, a myth that has been exported round the world. Thus giving her a gorgeous upper class English accent that just adds to all her other virtues. I didnt appreciate my naturally blonde hair until I was in my 30s. I often wonder whether there is any connection between the two. Hence the strange similarities between greek mysticism (Pythagoras especially) and the Eastern philosophies. That is, what was the minimum ethnic ancestry that one had to possess to be considered Jewish? People with blonde hair and blue eyes are of the European region if youre not aware of it. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. Having blue eyes has its advantages. Both blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive traits, so both parents must carry the gene for blonde hair to pass it on to their kids. Because he was a Germanic Chauvinist idiot who pursued a reckless foreign policy which destroyed his people, nation, and traditional European civilization, leading to our lovely contemporary society today.

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