Drawing from the spectrum of academic disciplines, this work reflects a broadly humanistic approach in the comparative study and synthesis of data from archaeology, ancient and contemporary religion and symbolism, literature, arts, and native oral histories. pizza dough recipe like costco what us cities are on the 33rd parallel . June 22, 2022; Posted by . Where is the 33rd parallel in the United States? - Sage-Answer maps However, Renton, WA has a near latitude of 47, which it shares with Fargo, North Dakota. Sorry, but no. The state of Utah covers an area of 84,899 square miles, and it is one of the three states in the country having both the lines of the longitude and latitude defining the boundaries, the other states being Wyoming and Colorado. In ancient Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, where the cradle of the Sumerian civilization was, is the place . Did the 33 rd US President target these two Japanese cities on the basis that they both straddled the 33 rd parallel? **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. For more world locations, use the Find Latitude and Longitude tool. But there is more to it.Many other mysterious incidents took place around the Parallel 33.In Alamogordo, New Mexico which is on parallel 33, the first ever nuclear explosion occurred.In the town of Casablanca located in Morocco (North Africa), a huge square and hexagonal pyramidal construction is located on the 33rd parallel.Apparently, it was the 33rdUnited States President, who targeted two Japanese cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) with nuclear bombs.Both these cities straddled the parallel 33. my birth date #s = 33, drew Barrymore at UN moonwalker 33 years from Feb 5, 1971 moonwalk. Lab-grown cheese gets record cash injection to tap cow-free market, Antonio Brown continues trolling Tom Brady, now selling Gisele Bundchen t-shirts, IPhone 14 crash detection has problems with roller coasters, Meet Gringo, The Cat Who Mustached His Way Into Our Hearts, Mavs Luka Doncic goes supernova with epic 17-point first quarter for Slovenia vs Argentina, The Mystic and Occult in the world, Alien, UFO daily update. Sandy Hook is in Connecticut which lies entirely north of Manhattan so there's no hope that it is on the same parallel as ground zero (40.7N vs 41.4N). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington D.C. Mark Elson, william Doelle, Henry D . Numerous authors have pointed out a number of fascinating details about the number 33The mystery of parallel 33 is one interesting topic to be discussed. what us cities are on the 33rd parallel - ruouvangeco.com social engineering The Mystery of Parallel 33: Everything Is Connected To This Number Everything Changes at 33: Numerology & Occult Symbolism bible Hermon To Corrupt The Pure Bloodline. Not being rude just dont understand..I cant find a straight answer? For example: * Phoenix and Atlanta are about the same latitude, but are very different climates. 38th parallel, popular name given to latitude 38 N that in East Asia roughly demarcates North Korea and South Korea. This is why the Freemasonic lodges also utilize the number. Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology. Atlanta, GA, USA is located at United States country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 33 45' 13.4856'' N and 84 23' 10.7880'' W. Country. When I shared 33 was my favorite number because of my numerology 6. He later authorized two more to be dropped near the 33rd parallel at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The sun enters at the 30th degree but is not totally clear until the 33rd degree, as it is of a certain size also. Join our newsletter and get our content delivered straight to your email. Every cup of Aromas of Coorg coffee reflects our tradition, taste, expertise & quality. Try it and see how accurate it is for you. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Walt Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason and Disneyland has a Club 33.. Seek the truth for yourself and put your own puzzle together that has been presented to you. At the Vatican there are 32 archways on each side of the courtyard with a giant obelisk in the middle. During this period of time in the American Southwest, Puebloan cultures also engaged in their own major social transformations. Join the discussion and participate in awesome giveaways in our mobile Telegram group. The data on the map above is from Wikipedias List of United States cities by population, which also contained the precise latitude and longitude coordinates. Nothing is a coincidence! the 33rd Parallel. I've been looking for more info on this but it all On the other end of the U.S. near latitude range is Everett, Washington. Why Are All the Lightworkers Moving to La? Justin Donnelly. Supposedly 33s are pretty rare Im trying to find one so I can pick their brain lol. Mount Hermon is at 33 degrees latitude and longitude. It's in UK That line is hundreds of miles away from UK. The human foot has 33 joints. Landscape Oregon has some amazing geographical features. The Lost Tribe of Dan moved to this area during the days of the Judges and adopted the Canaanite worship of these fallen angels. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. why is carly cassady leaving wxii; dini petty helicopter crash. Furthermore, occupation within the Upper Basin was more-or-Iess continuous, at least from the Snaketown or Gila Butte phase through the late Classic period; the notion of a Sacaton phase (ca. Well supposed to be the head honchos of cool. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. US President Franklin D. Roosevelt also died near parallel 33. It maybe just unlucky times theres no 33 something amazing just stop be unrealistic. Did you know that Baghdad is located at latitude 33 33N and the palace of Saddam Hussein was built exactly on this position? In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth. He found numerous stone tools of worked chert and a layer of charcoal that served as a hearth. **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. what us cities are on the 33rd parallel. Boston, Massachusetts is at -71, along with two additional cities in Massachusetts, Providence, Rhode Island, and Manchester, New Hampshire. Then join us to restore your freedom and get out of debt. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Rockefeller what us cities are on the 33rd parallelfarmington hills police. Potters and Communities of Practice: Glaze Paint and Polychrome Pottery in the American Southwest, AD 1250 to 1700, Kari Schleher, Deborah L Huntley, Deb Huntley. In the Bible, God corresponds to 1/3 (33.3%) as seen in Revelation 12 (1+2=3), where the great red dragon is sweeping 1/3 of the stars from heaven. A central concern of archaeologists has been to seek connections between these two broad regions and these social changes, whether in material culture or ideology, that help to clarify the nature and extent of long-distance interaction and integration of people in the past. Stonehenge and the American/Canadian Masonic Lodge are on the 51st parallel. The transmission of these beliefs during the Postclassic period through West Mexico via expanding communication and economic networks implicates the Aztatln culture as a fundamental link in the movement of a new or highly refined religion into the prehispanic American Southwest by AD 1300. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33,in the city ofDallas.It is believed that this parallel was specifically chosen for thekillingofKennedy. freedom Wallace, Glazed Over: Composition of Northern Rio Grande Glaze Ware Paints from San Marcos Pueblo, Causes and consequences of migration in the 13th century Tonto Basin, (2011) The Diurnal Path of the Sun: Ideology and Interregional Interaction in Ancient Northwest Mesoamerica and the American Southwest (Dissertation), (2015) The Darts of Dawn: The Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli Venus Complex in the Iconography of Mesoamerica and the American Southwest (M. Mathiowetz, P. Schaafsma, J. Coltman, K. Taube) [in Journal of the Southwest], The Rye Creek Project: Archaeology in the Upper Tonto Basin, 3 vols, The Book of Secrets and Notes about the known history of the Royal Grail families of Europe, Hohokam Life in the Eastern Tucson Basin (2007, Archaeology Southwest Magazine), The Message of the Sphinx A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind, The Mimbres--A Pre-Columbian Counter-Culture in the American Southwest, The Orion Zone: An Arizona Star Correlation, The Blazing Star of the Nile: Egyptian Stellar Template, The Four Arms of Destiny: Swastikas in the Hopi World & Beyond, The Maltese Cross: Hopi Indian Version of a Knights Templar Symbol, The Mothman of Pottery Mound: the Use of Sacred Datura in Ancient New Mexico, Material Evidence of Immigrant Diversity within the Perry Mesa Tradition, Central Arizona, TOWARD COMMON GROUND: RACING AS AN INTEGRATIVE STRATEGY IN PREHISTORIC CENTRAL ARIZONA, P.C. There is a lot of other symbolism with the number 33 and things that have occurred on the 33rd parallel however. what us cities are on the 33rd parallel. It also symbolizes the eternal life, the flow of nature, and spiritual growth. Your email address will not be published. There were 33 victims in the suspicious Virginia Tech shootings in April, 2007. Did you know that it was the 33rdUS President who targeted two Japanese cities with nuclear bombs? The soldiers names are Sgt. good 33rd Parallel Archives - the Numinous I would love to work with you more in the future. Given the paucity of sedentary sites within the project area and the Upper Tonto Basin in general during the late Classic period, it is suggested that the Gila phase was a period of population aggregation into Rye Creek Ruin from the surrounding area. Tracing the 33rd parallel to the exact opposite side of the globe directly points to the site of the most famous alleged UFO encounter in modern history, Roswell, New Mexico. Why is No 5 Extremely important? Our measuring system originated in Masonic France in the 1790s which explains why 13 standard inches is equal to precisely 33 metric centimeters. of York-Rite Masonry. Number 33 stands for the year of 2033 and its Novus Ordo Seclorum in 2033! in the PIII: Ceremonial Racing as an Integrative Strategy in the PIII-PIV Communities of Central Arizona, Isolated Human Remains and the Archaeological Visibility of Prehistoric Ritual Practices in the American Southwest, An Ethnographic Perspective on Prehistoric Platform Mounds of the Tonto Basin, Central Arizona [Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Arizona, 1996], Social Boundaries and Technical Choices in Tonto Basin Prehistory (1998), Research Design for the Roosevelt Community Development Study (Anthropological Papers No. Furthermore, Jesus Christ predicted his own death at Caesarea Philippi, in the vicinity of the 33rd Parallel. My style is inspired by old Truthers who have died in the line of battlein the style of tell me like Im five because all else aside the topics that I cover are a lot to take in. United States. Friends told me for my 33rd birthday could be anywhere in the world. The United Nations buffer zone between Syria and Israeli-occupied territory is the highest permanently manned UN position in the world, known as Hermon Hotel. Amen is the God of Truth, and 33 represents Christ consciousness . Take latitude, for example. United Nations Base on Mt Hermon 33rd Parallel Nephilim Portal Both these cities straddled the parallel 33. "Hohokam Life in the Eastern Tucson Basin" is a short article in the magazine on the eastern portion of the Tucson Basin. The Persian Gulf has a few fascinating distinctive attribute. We often pin New York, New York and Los Angeles, California against each other. Since the late 19th Century, Eduard Seler and others recognized that the Late Postclassic Central Mexican deity, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli--"the God of Dawn"--embodied Venus as the Morning Star. * * In the winter, Phoenix's average high & low temps are about 10-12 degrees more than Atlanta's. * Phoenix gets much hotte. 33 Hz is the frequency that researchers and scientists have discovered inside the Great Pyramids of Egypt. (In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Grigori; Watchers, Sons of God or the Nephilim, descended to Earth. In the case of Celts, this is the physical, mental and spiritual. Interestingly, his brother Robert was also assassinated on parallel 33,in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Earth Magnetic Grid Lines search on ddg will give you some articles. Together we amount to one strong, growing force in this cause for freedom. The ancient city of Damascus, Syria also corresponds to that parallel. I have NO desire for anyone to blindly believe or agree with what I share. But Robert Kennedy was also assassinated on parallel 33, in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, and US President Franklin D. Roosevelt died near parallel 33. satanic ritual abuse The Great Seal of United States was established on June 20, 1782. You know what now that I think about it I could be mixing videos up. does it line up with trump and kushners satanic 666 building in NY? The 200 Fallen Angels Arrived on Mt. / Category: Education, Energy & Utilities, Freedom, Government, Media & Information, Money & Banking, Secret Societies, Telecommunications Well there are, if we travel along the 33rd parallel from the Middle East all the way to the Far East, we can actually find the fabulous White Pyramid which is located about 60 miles southwest of Xian. Did you really only post this today? The flag also happens to be blue just like the first 3 blue degrees of Masonry. Given the traditional emphasis on Classic period sites in Tonto Basin archaeology (Chapter 3), this project represents one of the most complete investigations to date of the less well known Preclassic period. ALABAMA: LATITUDE: LONGITUDE: Alexander City : 32 . This site associated with the God Pan is known as the Gates of Hell. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . As it has been said, nothing is a coincidence, and when dealing with the Phoenicians and Masons, this rings true more than ever. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DFPZG9XIb4rY&ved=2ahUKEwjfzuaY4PX7AhX9EGIAHVR6DQgQFnoECAkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2WMWRdarJKOqH01_XCTwH3, Stonehenge? Most Potent Alignment on Earth the 33rd Parallel - Masonic Line of DeathAn alignment running from the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexander Virgini. Near latitudeslatitudes rounded to the nearest 1in the continental U.S. range from 26 to 48. 22s are double as cool and 33? Archaeology Southwest Magazine issue on the prehistory of the Tucson Basin, specifically examining the Hohokam period. The parallels 33 North and 33 South are another interesting topic of discussion. The southern slopes of Mount Hermon extend to the Israeli-occupied portion of the Golan Heights. He later authorized two more to be dropped near the 33rd parallel at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. ine Cain and Abby Jackson. US President Trump did exactly that, tweeting a desire to cross the 33rd parallel, the latitude that is the border . bill gates united nations, 2023 Malum In Se Powered by WordPress, Mount Hermon 33 Degrees Latitude 33 Degrees Longitude, What the Iraqi War and Ancient DNA Have in Common - Malum In Se. Each zodiac sign only has 30 degrees. For example, Portland, Oregons longitude of 122.6500W makes it clear the longitude is West thanks to the W. However, in decimal form, Latitude, -122.6500, the negative sign demonstrates the longitude is to the West. Mt. This reference would have been unmistakable to anyone aware of the secrets of astrology. Ancient Sumer. The Postclassic period (AD 900-1521) in Mesoamerica marked an era of significant social change. agenda Significant though it was, the JFK assassination is only one among many calculated murders that have happened along, or close to, the 33rd Parallel. This area was once thought to be the Garden of Eden. Some have gone as far as to suggest that parallel 33 was specifically chosen for Kennedys assassination. Sandy Hook is on the 41st parallel . Most Potent Alignment on Earth the 33rd Parallel - YouTube US Map With Latitude and Longitude - BatchGeo Blog Atlanta, GA, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info. Each and every line has its own importance and this is what I loved about this post. Numerology - 33 - EricDubay.com / Comments: 31 Comments. 13, dropped an atomic bomb called "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan near . Our measuring system originated in Masonic France in the 1790s which explains why 13 standard inches is equal to precisely 33 metric centimeters. At Caesarea Philippi, in the vicinity of the 33rd Parallel, Jesus Christ predicted his own death. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. It looks like nothing was found at this location. I'm not here to teach, preach or lead, but rather assist in awakening the consciousness of the collective from its temporary dormancy. The United Nations flag shows the globe divided into 33 sections encircled by olive branches. what us cities are on the 33rd parallel - singhaniatabletting.co Answer (1 of 6): Lattitude is only one factor in determining climate. The Masons who co-ordinated the assassination were traitors to their guest, United States President John F. Kennedy Sr. Map of the State of Oregon, USA - Nations Online Project The Phoenix Lights, witnessed by thousands of people in the skies above the city were one of the most enormous UFO sightings in history.As per the witnesses, two separate UFOs events were reported.The city ofPhoenix is situated on Parallel 33. and L.A.: -74 and -118, respectively. 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel Most significantly, the data strongly suggest that the Upper Basin was occupied by an indigenous population who interacted with neighboring populations while remaining culturally discrete. Some biblical texts suggest that it was at this location where the Garden of Eden was located. In astrology, the sun officially transitions into a new sign of the zodiac at the 33rd degree (a concept well-known long before Christianity). The line was chosen by U.S. military planners at the Potsdam Conference (July 1945) near the end of World War II as an army boundary, north of which the U.S.S.R. was to accept the surrender of the Japanese forces in Korea and south of which the Americans were to accept the . Updated. Interaction with Tusayan populations appears to have ended by around AD 1100 or 1150 at the start of the Classic period. Before the flood, they are mentioned in Genesis 6:4, and after in Numbers 13:33. The first nuclear explosion took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico on parallel 33. Everything is a code. Founded in 2004, we are a rapidly growing organization of driven, dedicated, freedom loving patriots from all walks of life. In order to accomplish such a feat in a time where there were no satellites, computers, or modern compasses, they would need a congruent system put in place that the Phoenician kings, mariners, warriors, Masons, and slaves had to follow so they were all on the same global page even when they were separated by different oceans, countries and time. I've been writing passionately about ancient civilizations, history, alien life, and various other subjects for more than eight years. In astrology, the sun officially transitions into a new sign of the zodiac at the 33rd degree (a concept well-known long before Christianity). In we take a look at northern hemisphere, the alleged parallel makes its way through important US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, or the town of Roswell, an area which is popular for its history with UFO-related subjects. Also, ice begins to melt at 33 degrees. The ancient city of Damascus, considered one of the oldest on the planets surface, is also located on Parallel 33. Changes through time in the intensity and direction of interaction networks are clearly apparent, although the overall intensity is believed to have been relatively limited. 14, Vol. When noting the longitude of a point in decimal form, positive numbers indicate East while Western points use negative (-) numbers. June 3, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized; This code is based on the tora, bible and kabbala. Some people argue that the military fired anti-aircraft rounds at what some say was a saucer-shaped flying object. Battle Of L.A, 1942. Scholars and commentators translate the word Nephilim as giants or fallen ones. Best Science Fiction (Or Is It?) About Phoenix - The 33rd Parallel By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. However, our data suggest that while there may have been limited migration into the Tonto Basin from points south and north, the Upper Basin was occupied primarily by an indigenous population who participated in various interaction networks, the nature of which changed through time. At Caesarea Philippi, in the vicinity of the 33rd Parallel, Jesus Christ predicted his own death. When latitude and longitude are combined, we get the exact location (45.5370N, 122.6500W) of a point on the Earth, like Portland, Oregon. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on the 33 rd parallel in the city of Dallas. Kennedy was assassinated on the 33rd parallel, Yogi Bhajan's yoga school in Florida is situated on it, and in the 2004 election the night before the debate, it made national news that Bush chose to spend the day in the middle of a Florida field with 40 farmers, while Kerry was touring around the major cities of Florida. In Iraq, the parallel defined the limit of the southern no-fly zone from 4 . 33rd degree Mason Buzz Aldrin and son of a 33rd degree Mason Neil Armstrong Jr. supposedly performed a Masonic ceremony 33 minutes after arriving on the moon, held the Masonic flag, and took pictures of each other. Ill admit its a little over my head, Ive never dug to verify myself. Number 33: Secret Societies, UFOs, Death, Destruction & Disneyland Not an accident!!! The site was undoubtedly the focus of the Classic period settlement of the Upper Tonto Basin. what us cities are on the 33rd parallel. In the northern hemisphere in the United States, this 33 rd parallel makes its way through major US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas or the town of Roswell, an area known for its history with UFO related subjects. The Phoenix Lights which were reported by thousands of people in the skies above the city were one of the most massive UFO sightings in history, according to witnesses in two separate ufo events. Mount Hermon 33 Degrees Latitude 33 Degrees Longitude - Malum In Se To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Latitude and Longitude of World's Largest Cities - InfoPlease Below is the map of Israel showing major towns, roads, airports with latitudes and longitudes plotted on it. The 33rd Degree Law of the Masonic Phoenicians Take Charleston, South Carolina and Carlsbad, California. After all, they are two of the largest cities in the U.S. Well, now we can add similar latitudes to the list! I do understand its the middle number that balances between 1-10 supposedly but I cant quite grasp why I keep getting either 6665 or 335 literally everywhere from bank cards to just popping up randomly. The city of Phoenix is situated on Parallel 33. The earliest inhabitants, ca. Some would this is nothing more than a coincidence; others would say there is none at all, but various authors point out several interesting details about the number 33, and in this case, with Earths parallels 33 north and 33 south. The occult significance of the 33rd north latitude cannot be overestimated! By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. (LogOut/ Answer (1 of 5): The 30th parallel north goes through 18 countries including Nepal making Kathmandu one of the Capital cities at 277 N. The most famous city near the 30th parallel in Israel is Jerusalem at 3147 N. The closest Israeli settlement to the 30th parallel is Yotvata at 2953 N in. This dissertation primarily examines the rise of two major cultural traditions in Northwest Mexico: the Casas Grandes and Aztatln cultures. He was responsible for killing of thousands of Japanese (the Yellow Peril) at two cities close to the 33rd Parallel, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. About 3 years later at the 33rd parallel in Roswell, New . The Masons also have 33 degrees which to them has occult significance a pertains to the level of consciousness that can be achieved. The first Temple of Solomon stood for 33 years before being pillaged. Salt Lake City AP (S) 40 . AD 900-1100) hiatus originally proposed by the Gladwins (1935) can be finally put to rest. Fantastic research! Tracing the 33rd parallel to the exact opposite side of the globe directly points to the site of the most famous UFO encounter in modern history, Roswell, New Mexico. The latitude of Nashville, TN, USA is 36.174465 , and the longitude is -86.767960 . Please check out my books especially The Idea that is the United States of America: Its Occult Foundation. When the Sun or a planet transits from the 30th degree of one sign to the 1st of the next, that is in fact when it is observed to have done so. The solar year, 365,2422414 gives us 3+6+5+2+4+2+2+4+1+4=33. I should be better. While together latitude and longitude make a coordinate pair, each individual coordinate refers to one of two cardinal directions. At Parallel 33 north, from February 24 to early February 25, 1942, over Los Angeles, California, the so-called Battle of L.A. took place. Thus, it is uniquely suited for the goal of reconstructing a balanced social history of past and present culture change in the American Southwest and Mesoamerica. A closely related ritual complex emphasized fertility and warfare and was centered upon stars, feathered serpents, and celestial darts. Ghi nh mt khu Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. child abuse Thanks to latitudes and longitudes rounded to the nearest degree, we can easily see which of the 315 major U.S. cities have the same near coordinates. The original Club 33 is on the 33rd parallel. brought me here to explore the topic of Mt Hermon being at the 33.33 coordinates. You don't have to be a believer, a Freemason, or even well-versed in ancient cultures to get swept up in the multi-layered history and archeo-astronomy surrounding the 33rd . 33rd parallel north. A Southern latitude in decimal form would be negative. For example 33rd degree Free Mason and 33rd president of the US Harry Truman entered us into the Nuclear age with the A-Bomb test at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site in White Sands, New Mexico. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). Its the frequency of Christ Consciousness. The latitude of Austin, TX, the US is 30.266666, and the longitude is -97.733330. Longitude, which indicates how far East or West a point is, typically follows latitude.

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