They are factored in multiplicative of everything else; meaning, they are always a +30% damage increase. Can be combined with Crash Course to provide a 150% increase to Impact damage. *(Side-note / proof: Elemental mods calculate off base damage even if the weapon already has the given element. Gaming News Guides Reviews Gfinity Tech Only Mobile Gaming Planet Crypto Sign Up . with negative impact riven, you can make whipclaw to be slash-puncture only. Sawtooth Clip: +90% Slash, +90% Status Duration, Piercing Hit: +90% Puncture, +0.9 Punch-through. Once modded, these effects will convert the respective IPS to something different and give it different bonuses, but still retaining the Effectiveness Type, e.g. Let's go over how they work. Unique Feature: A two-handed Nikana with extended block angle. If you're doing a long survival run, then there are certain requirements. by VYXN last updated 2 days ago (Patch 32.3) 8 6 157,070. Warframe's freedom of movement allows you to navigate through Missions in a wide variety of ways. r/Warframe. Warframe has six combined elemental damage types: Blast, Corrosive, Gas, Magnetic, Radiation, and Viral. The Best Rifles in Warframe for 2021 | Warframe Today pretty basic question, I recently came across a guy in a mission that managed to 1 shot acolytes without armor stripping and he used a contagion but I cannot seem to replicate that I tried no strip with corrosive I used viral and stripped I even used eclipse arcane fury and void strike and somehow the damage does a measly 70k with a heavy attack and takes 5 to kill an acolyte but several . +30% Impact The problem with scaling armor is that damage types that have ways to deal with it become exponentially better than the other damage types as levels scale. Not too long ago I suggested a single melee mod change, in an effort to help with impact being so useless, some of the community didnt like that idea and someone said they would rather see the IPS be addressed, than see some Band-Aid solution. Enemies cannot recharge their shields naturally while Magnetized. Slash vs Impact vs Puncture :: Warframe General Discussion IPSshort for Impact, Puncture, and Slashis the backbone of most weapons you'll find in Warframe. Warframe: Every Tenet Lich Weapon, Ranked - TheGamer Best way to damage Void Angels? : r/Warframe - reddit Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion . Reloads are faster while sprinting, even more so in Gauss' hands. Increases effectiveness against enemies with Shields, especially Corpus units. Stormbringer (+90% electricity), on the other hand,takes the damage to 100 Impact + 850 Electricity (2.125x / 112.5%of base Electricity, not1.9x / 90%). these mods will ONLY be used for the secondary effect, which is ignoring the primary problem, and any secondary effect they put on them will have to be stronger than what other mods already provide, or it would be a total waste of time. You may have heard the craze that is the Impact based Kuva Nukor and may have wondered how it actually compared to a "normal" Kuva Nukor, so in this video i . All Warframe Damage Types, Explained - Pro Game Guides Rupture Radius increased to 6 meters at x10 stacks. Most endgame builds avoid using Blast altogether since it has terrible damage multipliers. Certain mods in Warframe allow you to add elemental effects to your weapons. Damage Modifier = (1+ Armor Modifier)*(1+Health Modifier)*300/(300+Armor*(1-Armor Modifier)). Recommended for use with weapons that have a higher Impact damage than other damage types. basically, the idea behind this is, if you use mod space for a stat, you should be compensated for it and if you use 2, then you should be double compensated. 4) Orthos Prime This weapon was introduced in Update 9.0 and it can inflict a lot of damage. Boasting a good Status Chance at the expense of Critical Chance and Critical Multiplier, this polearm is one of the best melee weapons against large groups of enemies. 2 mods = 10 stacks (retains the 5 stack bonus, but does not reset at 5 stacks, it resets at 10) Most builds in Warframe take advantage of the Hunter Mods in some way. Faction mods are worthwhile for consideration if you have multiple elementals and such already. Corrosive is created by combining Toxin and Electricity. super heavy Slash weighted), but honestly they're still not very good. I can see how my suggetion may seem to complicate things, but it doesnt really. it seems to me that these issues only come into play around enemy level 500+, and anyone who wants those level enemies, should have the right weapons, rather than have 1 weapon that just deletes enemies of any level. With the following article you will learn how to get fish oil in Warframe, because we have all this covered for you here. once a mod for the respective IPS has been placed on a weapon, it will convert the base IPS, into a different name and adding the damage increase like elemental mods. Only to then have the community complain that they want harder content. Damage | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Slash: Slash Damage is one of the three physical damage types. The physical damage mods are only worth equipping on weapons with very high base damage in that area - so say, with the Jat Kittag, sticking a +90% impact bonus on it gets a MASSIVE boost in damage when compared to something like the Cronus. We can try nerf bleed status effectto make it no longer ignore armor, but that will attract some backlash. Common Why is bleed important? Band Aid Mod - Search It scales off of your entire base damage instead of just Puncture, which makes it unique (and even adds Puncture to Phage, which Phage has none of), and of course also has the +60% fire rate. By All in all - they're secondary mods, nothing more. It has no damage modifiers or unique status effects. you wont be sitting for so long hitting the same target. Single bosses like Eidolons andProfit Taker are a different story, they have pre defined levels and dont scale past that, also they are status immune, so we cant really talk about them. Endgame builds sometimes use this element in Corpus missions to completely bypass their shields. If slash gets nerfed again, it would ruin Titania, Ash and other slash ability warframes well Titania won't be ruined as much as the other warframes since the damage input she does still do alot of damage. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! For example, applying a 90% Electricity mod and 90% Toxin mod onto a Braton makes Corrosive damage, which will deal 180% of the weapon's base damage as extra Corrosive damage. Some endgame builds pair Electricity with Gas to double as a crowd control effect and extra source of damage. Browse our network 9 . if they remove armor scaling as you have suggested, if they dont do something like add 10x or more health scaling, it will still be useless. The issue with Bleed is that if it didn't ignore armor, it would be the worst Dot. Overall it's a pretty balanced damage type, and most of the bonus damage is on heavy armor. General Information 100 Slash will deal 42. New player here. (Half the damage of Puncture). Including stuff like enemies that are affected by this or that, etc. Explain why my friend said not to get the Cernos bow cause it impact damage. Giving it any additional critical chance-boosting mods is unnecessary, and you will have more mods slots open for other useful things. Everything falls apart against armor class modifiers (%boost and %armor ignore) and Bleed though (100% armor ignore). Scaling armorbreaks the balance between damage types. But later this will all be bullshit and you will just want slash and elemental mods to deal with armor. ok, and from your experience, when does a corrosive build become useless? Against a Level 100Heavy Gunner with ~6000 ferrite armor, which is 95% Damage Reduction. Enemies will get tankier just by scaling health. even Gas and Magnetic was ok, not as fast, but probably due to not havingarmour reduction that corrosive has. Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. Impact, Puncture, And Slash Mods Question. It is highly effective against Grineer Armor and Corpus Robotics, but suffers against Corpus shields. It deals 247.5 base damage that can be enhanced further with the progenitor element bonus Liches give, and most of the Livia's damage is Slash. An elemental mod adds one simple element onto your weaponCold, Electricity, Heat, or Toxin. I'll do some math to see if it really is worth it on some weapons but over all it looks like these mods are just worthless. The only real reason to use an 120% physical mod is if it's a slash mod that you want to increase the chance of getting slash on a status proc (which for weapons you could use this on and get around the same flat damage as a 90% element, you'd already have a very high chance of a slash status effect.) Learning the usefulness and status effects of each element is key to making your weapons as powerful as possible. i hate resetting weapons over and over again, just as much as the next player, but imo, asking for so many more mods to be changed, seems like DE may put off doing anything until they feel like doing a huge update to mods. . . Stacks indefinitely, but only ten stacks are shown at a time. impact will still deal 50% more damage to shields, 25% less damage to health and be neutral to armour. Synoid Helicor. Some weapons are split down the middle for what they provide for damage. If that isn't enough, I tend to agree with @DealerOfAbsolutesabove: the mods could probably use some secondary effects to be made better choices. If armor didn't scale, and only health did, Slash would only be second to Magnetic as the worst damage against Alloy armor. Acolytes and Liches can only be affected by four status procs per type, making effects like Viral much less effective. Some examples of true damage include melee finishers (not Parazon finishers), Slash's bleed status effect, and Ash's Blade Storm ability. For safety, rockets arm after traveling a safe distance. Status Effects General The status effect of Impact damage is Stagger. 10 stack suggestion is OP for crowed control, status weapons can get 10 stacks in a matter of 1-2 shots/hits. I think it increases all the physical attributes, but not the elemental ones. the mod seems good but its hardly necessary, you re already proccing enough status, that having ot rely on impact ot trigger slash (that likely already exists in your melee) just muddles the table for the effects you actually want. Option 2: Secondary stat increaseonthe IPS mods. It's easy! Sad too because I already lvled up some of them thinking I was going to need them. Update 11.0 (2013-11-20) Exactly 50% of its IPS damage is Slash, so it will not split bodies. Rupture: +90% Impact, +90% Base Damage, This is probably why nobody likes my suggestion (i suggested changing Slash Bleed ). IPS: +50% Puncture vs. Impact vs. Slash only shows its mettle when armor levels get high and that doesn't take very long. ), You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. How to Get Fish Oil in Warframe - It has well-rounded stats, and you will get a low impact, slash damage, and a good headshot bonus. Proccing impact more than once in a single instance of damage will not allow this mod to proc more than once, nor will it increase the chance of the mod proccing. each stack has individual duration. Internal Bleeding is a rifle mod that gives a chance of every Impact status effect to produce an instance of a Slash proc. New Impact to Slash Mods Hot or Not?! which is why in my suggestion, there would be effectsthat bypasses armour and shields. Trading Tax Max Rank Description Puncture: Puncture Damage is one of the three physical damage types. Warframe Orthos Guide - How to Obtain, Craft, and Best Builds Update 11: A new damage system was introduced along with new mods. If you can find a way to inflict incredibly powerful Gas DoTs on targets (such as with Baruuks' Serene Storm), it can be a useful AoE effect. The rest pretty much suck, and draw off a the weapon's base stat of that type (ex. Corrosive got nerfed with a cap and is now weaker than Viral against Bombards. Edit Preferences Other weapons (like the Plinx or Tysis) can deal a combination of physical and elemental, or combo elemental damage. sooner or later, Slash will be nerffed againor become useless against enemies. A mod for +10% puncture would do absolutely nothing. Reloads are faster while sprinting, even more so in Gauss hands. As armor reaches infinity, damage approaches 0, with the exception of Bleed. This is a fantastic element for fighting the Corpus, amplifying the damage their shields take tremendously. Unable to move or attack for 3 seconds. (1.3*3.7=4.81 vs. 4.6). Edit:status procs, puncture decreases damage, useless; slash deals bleed that ignores everything, great & impact stuns them for 1,5 second, garbage. 6 Forma Acceltra Build by VYXN - 460k dps viral+slash crescent slicer i can delete level 160 heavy gunnerswith 3 mods, because of slashand dont evenneed viral. Special damage types like True and Void damage are usually reserved for Warframe abilities or Operators. 100 Base damage, Bleed ticks for 35 each. Use regular expel mod if no primed version as it is still a 1.3 or 1.69x multiplier. 310 The idea of IPS is that it has a higher bonus than a single element so it was the ideal 3rd element to build for if a weapon could support it (heat rework messed this up though). (Doesn't help Magnetic's case when some Corpus units use Alloy armor that Bombards do.). Even with those ideas, with the way IPS currently is, those mods wont be used over other mods. Its status effect, while powerful on paper, deals insignificant damage on its own. That really sounds like IPS needs a more thorough and fundamental rework in that case. Best Melee Weapons & Bows in Warframe 2023 | Warframe School - Warframe Update 29.10 Corpus Proxima LeyzarGamingViews 184K subscribers Join Subscribe 1.1K Share Save 35K views 1 year ago New Impact to. you still need to get down to 33%, and if your damage is able to do that fast enough you wont need that increase, and if not,this will be pretty much useless anyway. Combined Element:+75%, Some ideas for the Bronze IPS mods: Im sorry for the long post, im just trying to reply to everyone without double posting . Can be obtained from transmututation The two new mods are:Internal Bleeding and Hemorrhage and they both do the same thing only the first is for primary weapons and the other for secondary weapons.Impact status effect have a thirty five percent chance to apply a slash status effect. (I also agree with the notion that the damage system needs a touch of simplification, but I think that's separate from the mods themselves). Base Capacity Cost Duviri isn't just another open world - it's an entirely new way to experience Warframe. Type He is currently a Freelance writer for TheGamer and Game Rant. Snipetron Vandal is a Puncture damage-dealing Sniper rifle with a base critical chance of an incredible 28%. they have changed the way armour scaling works, so slash is not as important as it used to be years ago. And as of right now it would seem that other procs are better than other. In the above example, applying a 90% Toxin Mod to the MK-1 Braton will grant 90% of the Braton's base damage as extra Toxin damage. The only sensible choice which would bring down Slash to the level of the other damage types would be to get rid of Armor scaling altogether and only scale health. Over double that of 100 Puncture at 13.5 and this was just +50% --> +75% against Ferrite. (Quantity Chance), average item quantity on a roll attempt (successful or not), WARFRAME Wiki:Expected & Nearly Guaranteed Numbers, Shattering Impact takes effect on every melee hit from weapons with any Impact damage. In terms of status procs puncture causes the enemy to do less damage, slash provides an armor ignoring DOT, and impact causes a stun. Alloy armor which the Corpus love to use on some of their robots. Learn everything about Warframe's Ash. Similar goes for Impact. Rupture is a mod that increases the Impact damage of Rifles. 1 . Gas is created by combining Heat and Toxin. The reason for resetting counters, is so that your damage will always be fluctuating, none of this constant +325% damage, which is just OP. Best Warframe Sniper Rifles, Ranked - Pro Game Guides Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The Synoid Helicor deals the most impact damage of the hammer-type weapons. (1.75x damage and 75% armor ignore right from the getgo)Try it on Bombards and you'll see how badly Corrosive was gutted. If all players aren't using corrosive projection then i would go with puncture so it would help out with high armor, and if everyone is using corrosive projection then go with slash, the bleed proc is nice. It is effective against all forms of flesh, but it is less effective against Grineer armor and Corpus Robotics. flux rifle might be another one I'd consider), then it gives a significant boost. its like having cheats that the game just gives you, instead of having to hack it, only thing missing is "God Mode", but wait, we have invis, so thats not needed. Slash vs Impact vs Puncture :: Warframe General Discussion Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work.